Edit Question pages are different when accessed from Question Pool tab
is related to

Tiffany Stull October 20, 2017 at 8:45 AMEdited
Feedback boxes available when authoring a test from scratch include only the Feedback boxes enabled in the _Settings_ screen prior to authoring/editing questions. If *Question-Level*, *Selection-Level* or *Both* are not selected for Feedback Authoring in _Settings_ > _Grading and Feedback_, none of these boxes will be available when authoring a test from scratch. However, they must always be available in a question pool.
Lack of spacing of text fields in question pool authoring may still be an issue - I would recommend creating a separate JIRA for this if it is still an issue in 12. Please test in 12 and create new JIRA for the spacing issue if needed.

Matthew Jones September 12, 2016 at 11:15 AM
Created to capture this comment as it seems like a different issue, dropped the priority of this one since this seems like it's related to formatting in authoring.
Neal Caidin August 25, 2016 at 9:20 AM
From talking to , the instructor creates an assessment using a pool of questions. If you add individual feedback or meta data as instructor, and the student goes to take the exam, it keeps them from completing the exam. Therefore I'm making this a blocker.


The Edit Questions page is formatted differently for questions in a new/existing Assessment than questions created in a Question Pool. There are differences for all question types, attachments are from Multiple Choice. Most changes are Bootstrap formatting/spacing, Feedback (optional) text boxes and metadata
Note: this issue is persistent with ALL question types
To Reproduce:
Create an assessment
Insert a Multiple Choice question - note spacing
Click Question Pools tab
Add Question
Select Multiple Choice, click Save
Note spacing differences, Feedback boxes and metadata