2012-01-24 Meeting Notes

Samigo Working Group Meeting Notes
Date: Tuesday, Oct 18, 2011
Time:   11am PDT  / Noon MDT / 2-3 EDT / 18:00 UCT
Phone number: (317) 278-7008 Access Code: 484896#Agenda


  • Stanford: Jackie Mai, Keli Amann, Karen Tsao, Ken Romeo
  • Indiana: Roger Henry, Andrea Schmidt, Ying Wang
  • Unicon: Aaron Zeckoski
  • UF: Melody Kaufmann, Carl Perry
  • Wyoming: Robin Hill
  • rSmart: Sam Ottenhoff


1) review calculated questions and extended matching work done by Unicon for Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, SAM-1139 and SAM-1430. This was originally proposed as an agenda item when I put together the agenda for the last meeting. However, Unicon indicated (as of this morning) that it only has time to fix bugs so anything we have to discuss in terms of desired fixes or enhancements will not be worked on by Unicon. Therefore, it might not be good use of our time to have a discussion on these new features if there are more pressing items to tackle. Suggestion: table this agenda item and add any new features/enhancements as a comment on the JIRA ticket for future consideration.https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAM-1139https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAM-1430http://samigo.unicon.net/portal
inst1 / inst1
The calculated questions strings are in the branch in the Samigo i18n properties file (samigo-app/src/java/org/sakaiproject/tool/assessment/bundle/AuthorMessages.properties) under the section marked "# CALCULATED_QUESTION"
calculated_question=Calculated Question
calc_question_general_instructions1=A calculated question calculates new answers for every test, based on variables whose value changes each time.  The answer is based on a formula, using those variables.
2) review data loss and discrepancy issues https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/SAM/Data+Loss+and+Discrepancy+notes\
Stanford compiled a list of know issues that have a JIRA ticket. Are there other data loss/discrepancy issues that do not yet have a JIRA ticket? Also, are there schools that are currently working on fixes for these known issues? 
3) next steps for the proposed re-design of the Settings page.
At the last meeting, Stanford, Indiana, and rSmart discussed proposed changes to the Settings page. I made changes directly to the wireframes during the meeting so they should reflect the consensus of those in attendance. There are a few items still to be worked out: 
-whether to keep the current logic for late handling or allow students to submit as many times as defined under submission allowance? We're collecting usage scenarios to help make a decision so please speak up if you have examples to share.
-should submission allowance and recorded scoring options be under the same menu or cross-referenced if in different menus?  In the proposed re-design, they do not show up under the same screen as they do now.
If you have not had a chance to provide comments, it's not too late. Go to https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/SAM/Settings+rework\
Scroll down to the bottom. There are 4 child pages, each page representing a menu within the new Settings page.

Meeting Notes

a) (SAM-1429 in email should have been SAM-1139) calc question more like how Moodle, Blackboard and Respondus deals with it. Welcome to grab branch and test (Won't work on 2.7 or 2.8, meant for trunk) or check it out on unicon server (see above). Looked at supporting Respondus import, but doesn't work (they use either Flash or an applet) – closer to Moodle/Bb--they need to support additional metadata. Would be useful to review error messages.
b)SAM-1430 --Indiana should take a look, but in Unicon's req matching only needed to go one way (two things to one). Also, allow distractors to count as penalty – Most on call last year didn't seem to want it but Indiana might want to add that on their own if they need it.
2) Keli asking for further detail from schools reporting issues about what students were doingwhen dataloss experienced. due date/timed/timeout "bermuda triangle." These patches developed by Indiana may help

  • SAM-1368: SAMigo Event Log: https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAM-1368
  • SAM-1369: User Activity Report: https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/SAM-1369
    3) Jackie asking for additional feedback on settings redesign (as well as if anyone has interest/resources to develop). Roger asks if it is possible for people who have missed due date and gotten a zero to be prevented from taking test while still allowing those who have taken test to have access. Ken --oops missed your sugestion but Roger got it (smile)