Running Samigo 2.4 in Sakai 2.3
If you want all the new features and performance improvement of 2.4/2.4.x, but you can't upgrade to Sakai 2.4 yet, you might want to try following the steps below to run Samigo 2.4/2.4.x inside Sakai 2.3/2.3.x. Please note that this is for reference only.
1. Have a Sakai 2.3.x instance
2. Remove Samigo and check out Samigo 2.4.x
3. Under sakai/sam directory, issue following commands:
svn merge -r 22685:22684 .(revert SAK-8674)
svn merge -r 18130:18129 .(revert SAK-7137)
svn merge -r 18134:18133 . (revert SAK-7137)
4. Open sakai/sam/samigo-qti/src/java/org/sakaiproject/tool/assessment/qti/helper/
a. Look for method makeFCKAttachment(String text):
String accessURL = ServerConfigurationService.getAccessUrl();
String accessURL = "/access";
b. Look for method getImportedPrependString(String text):
String accessPath = ServerConfigurationService.getAccessPath();
String accessPath = "/access";
5. Open sakai/sam/samigo-cp/src/java/org/sakaiproject/tool/assessment/contentpackaging/
Look for method processDescription(String description):
String prependString = ServerConfigurationService.getAccessUrl() + ContentHostingService.REFERENCE_ROOT;
String prependString = "/access" + ContentHostingService.REFERENCE_ROOT;
6. Get the 2.3 to 2.4 conversion script from 2.4 (sakai_2_3_1-2_4_0_mysql_conversion.sql or sakai_2_3_1-2_4_0_oracle_conversion.sql). Run the sql related to Samigo (the ones under "SAMIGO conversion").
7. Rebuild Samigo and restart tomcat