2011-09-06 Meeting Notes


  • Revist 2.9 QA resources 
  • Discuss top 3 commonalities for 2.10 plannning
  • Start talking about things we're working on, ideas going forward for 2.10.   IU will have information to share.  
  • Action Items
    • contact Jasmine about stanford test cases
    • Lynn to share Assignments test cases in google docs
    • consolidate themes, then have others enter JIRAs in themes.


  • Lynn Ward, Indiana University
  • Bryan Holladay, Longsight
  • Ying Wang, Indiana University
  • Jim Mezzanotte, rSmart
  • Jackie Krueger, Stanford University
  • Karen Tsao, Stanford University
  • Keli Amann, Stanford University
  • Ken Romeo, Stanford University
  • Lydia Li, Stanford University
  • Robin Hill, Wyoming
  • Angela Rabuck, Rice
  • Michael Waitley, Pepperdine

Meeting Notes:
2.9 Items

  • General status from Lydia and Karen:  still working on it; still merging in some features
  • Lynn asked about UCT enhanced matching; doubtful for 2.9
  • Schedule integration
  • Bryan trying to provide a link from the schedule to take the actual test; strips out all navigation and takes user to test itself in another tab
  • In some contexts, it is desirable to display the tool within the portal instead of a new window without the Sakai portal; this is a larger issue for Sakai.
  • QA: some from Sakai, also Lynn and Angela volunteering resources at their institutions
  • Rule for taking contributions was that contributing institution does QA
  • When institution contributes code, they should also provide test cases.
  • Need to do regression testing of tool in addition to new features.
  • indiana keeping test cases in Google doc so can be maintained collaboratively
  • find out what's in progress: random draw for instance--review design.
    2.10 Items
    1) Stability (assume this means no lost data or discrepancy):  (indiana, Longsight, Delaware)
    some have been addressed already in 2.9 (javascript, multiple clicks (SAM-1088)
    Indiana: delivery, submission and grading. ex. timer retract date, users taking untimed tests not knowing when it will close. Others might be related to Indiana load balancer--people kicked out of tests, so some might be unrelated to Samigo.
    Forensics --maybe Indiana will contribute to 2.10
    User activity--see all submissions.
    2) Reduce user confusion in settings (UF, Stanford, Florida, Longsight(?))
    3) Allow Retakes and customized settings: Includes gradebook work (Indiana, Stanford, Florida, Rice)
    4) Performance for viewing and downloading data in classes with 1000+ students: (Florida, UNISA, Rice (?))
    Issue for rice when using it for surveys; florida has problems also in classes of 300 student.
    There is a poll (svn/polls) tool, but still problem for quizzes. Total scores set by default to show all.
    5) Question pool: ability to edit question in random draw (Florida, Indiana, Longsight(?))
    6) Better Gradebook integration (Indiana only, but this is probably going to have a wide impact)