Samigo 2.4 Performance Testing

Over the week of May 14th, 2007, a Sakai team assembled in Ann Arbor, Michigan to test the new release of Samigo's test delivery function and gather information about improving Samigo's performance. Present were Lydia Li, Samigo developer from Stanford University and Chris Franz from Unicon. Present from the University of Michigan were Rick Carter, Drew Zhu, Linda Place, Chris Kretler and Ramaswamy Aditya, "Adi".

This report summarizes the test results, provides an overview of the test environment and test scripts, and details the test results and changes made between tests. The appendix contains the working LoadRunner script used for testing in the hopes that other organizations can use it as a template for creating their own load testing scripts.

Click here to download the full report: Samigo Load Test Report