Changes in 2.7 help doc
In "Tests & Quizzes: Overview":
Please change this:
Note: You should not use the Immediate Feedback setting in Tests & Quizzes when assessing learning, as it may provide information students can use to correct their answers before submitting a test. Immediate Feedback is the default setting when you click Create (but not Quick Create) to begin your assessment, unless you use an Assessment Type with a different default setting.
Note: You should not use the Immediate Feedback setting in Tests & Quizzes when assessing learning, as it may provide information students can use to correct their answers before submitting a test. No Feedback is the default setting when you click Create to begin your assessment, unless you use an Assessment Type with a different default setting.
In "Create New Assessment":
1. Pleae take this out:
Note: The default settings for your assessment will be different depending on whether you click Create or Quick Create; see Differences between Create and Quick Create in Tests & Quizzes.
Please change this:
Note: You should not use the Immediate Feedback setting in Tests & Quizzes when assessing learning, as it may provide information students can use to correct their answers before submitting a test. Immediate Feedback is the default setting when you click Create (but not Quick Create) to begin your assessment, unless you use an Assessment Type with a different default setting.
Note: You should not use the Immediate Feedback setting in Tests & Quizzes when assessing learning, as it may provide information students can use to correct their answers before submitting a test. No Feedback is the default setting when you click Create to begin your assessment, unless you use an Assessment Type with a different default setting.
In "Creating questions for an assessment":
1. Please take this out:
Note: The default settings for your assessment will be different depending on whether you click Create or Quick Create; see Differences between Create and Quick Create in Tests & Quizzes.
2. Under Multiple Choice, please insert following statement to #6:
In the case of a single correct answer, you'll see four text boxes for possible answers. To indicate which answer is the correct one, click the radio button next to it. In the case of multiple correct answers, check the boxes beside the correct responses.
You can choose to Enable Negative Marking or Enable Partial Credit for a single correct qestion. If you want to use Negative Marking feature, select the Enable Partial Credit radio button and specify the negative point value for incorrect answer selection. If you want to use Partial Credit feature, select the Enable Partial Credit radio button and specify the percentage of each answer selection.
To present fewer possible answers, click Remove beneath the boxes you want to remove....
In "Preview Assessments":
Replace the #1 and #2:
In the menubar of the relevant course or project site, click Tests & Quizzes. From the Assessments page, under "Pending Assessments", click the title of the test you want to preview.
Click Preview Assessment; under "Begin Assessment", review the information associated with your assessment.
In the menubar of the relevant course or project site, click Tests & Quizzes. Now you have two ways to preview assessments.
a. From the Assessments page, select "Preview" from the drop-down of the assessment you want to preview.
b. From the Assessments page, select "Edit" from the drop-down of the assessment you want to preview. Then click Preview Assessment.
Under "Begin Assessment", review the information associated with your assessment.
In "Restricting access to published assessments":
This part is wrong:
For the published copy, you can make changes only to the following settings:
Under "Assessment Introduction": Title, Creator, Author(s), Description/Intro, and Attachments
Under "Delivery Dates": Available Date, Due Date, and Retract Date
Under "Assessment Organization": Navigation and Numbering
Under "Submissions": Number of Submissions Allowed and Late Handling
Under "Feedback": Feedback Authoring, Feedback Delivery, and Feedback Components Students Can See
Under "Grading": Students' Identities and Gradebook Options
It should be:
For the published copy, you can make changes to all the settings exception Assessment Release To.
In "Assessment settings":
1. Please add this "Mark for Review" between Assessment Organization and Submissions:
Mark for Review: Checking Mark for Review will bookmark questions students would like to review before they submit the assessment. Click on the Table of Contents link at the top of the page to find a full list of questions (click on Part name to see questions). The question mark symbol will appear next to any question you have marked.
Change this:
Note: You should not use the Immediate Feedback setting in Tests & Quizzes when assessing learning, as it may provide information students can use to correct their answers before submitting a test. Immediate Feedback is the default setting when you click Create (but not Quick Create) to begin your assessment, unless you use an Assessment Type with a different default setting.
Note: You should not use the Immediate Feedback setting in Tests & Quizzes when assessing learning, as it may provide information students can use to correct their answers before submitting a test. No Feedback is the default setting when you click Create to begin your assessment, unless you use an Assessment Type with a different default setting.
Change this:
For the published copy, you can make changes only to the following settings:
Under "Assessment Introduction": Title, Creator, Author(s), Description/Intro, and Attachments
Under "Delivery Dates": Available Date, Due Date, and Retract Date
Under "Assessment Organization": Navigation and Numbering
Under "Submissions": Number of Submissions Allowed and Late Handling
Under "Feedback": Feedback Authoring, Feedback Delivery, and Feedback Components Students Can See
Under "Grading": Students' Identities and Gradebook Options
For the published copy, you can make changes to all the settings exception Assessment Release To.
In "Adding, editing, or deleting an Assessment Type":
1. Please add this "Mark for Review" between Assessment Organization and Submissions:
Mark for Review: Checking Mark for Review will bookmark questions for students to review before they submit the assessment. If you check the box "Add Mark for Review feature", the "Mark for Review" feature will be turned on in assessments created with this Assessment Type.
2. Under Feedback:
Change this:
Note: You should not use the Immediate Feedback setting in Tests & Quizzes when assessing learning, as it may provide information students can use to correct their answers before submitting a test. Immediate Feedback is the default setting when you click Create (but not Quick Create) to begin your assessment, unless you use an Assessment Type with a different default setting.
Note: You should not use the Immediate Feedback setting in Tests & Quizzes when assessing learning, as it may provide information students can use to correct their answers before submitting a test. No Feedback is the default setting when you click Create to begin your assessment, unless you use an Assessment Type with a different default setting.
In "Publishing an assessment":
On the Publish Assessment Confirmation page, you'll see the settings you configured for the assessment, plus a URL you can use to distribute the assessment. You can choose to send an email notification to students upon publishing the assessment. Click Publish again to confirm, or Cancel to abort.
In "Modifying an existing assessment":
This comes from clicking on Modifying an existing assessment link. on the Publishing an assessment page:
1. This part is wrong:
For the published copy, you can make changes only to the following settings:
Under "Assessment Introduction": Title, Creator, Author(s), Description/Intro, and Attachments
Under "Delivery Dates": Available Date, Due Date, and Retract Date
Under "Assessment Organization": Navigation and Numbering
Under "Submissions": Number of Submissions Allowed and Late Handling
Under "Feedback": Feedback Authoring, Feedback Delivery, and Feedback Components Students Can See
Under "Grading": Students' Identities and Gradebook Options
It should be:
For the published copy, you can make changes to all the settings exception Assessment Release To.
Change this:
Note: You should not use the Immediate Feedback setting in Tests & Quizzes when assessing learning, as it may provide information students can use to correct their answers before submitting a test. Immediate Feedback is the default setting when you click Create (but not Quick Create) to begin your assessment, unless you use an Assessment Type with a different default setting.
Note: You should not use the Immediate Feedback setting in Tests & Quizzes when assessing learning, as it may provide information students can use to correct their answers before submitting a test. No Feedback is the default setting when you click Create to begin your assessment, unless you use an Assessment Type with a different default setting.
Change this:
To modify the settings of an assessment, under "Pending Assessments" or "Published Assessments":
Under the assessment title, click Settings.
To modify the settings of an assessment, under "Pending Assessments" or "Published Assessments":
Selec Settings from the drop-down of the assessment you want to modify.
4. Please add this at the end of "Modifying the parts":
To modify the parts (i.e., sections) of any assessment listed under "Published Assessments":
Selec Settings from the drop-down of the assessment you want to modify.
You can only "edit" published assessments parts. The "change parts order" and "add/remove parts" feature are disabled.
To edit the part, click Edit. You can then do the following:
Change the title.
Modify the "Information" field.
Add/Update attachments.
5. Please add this at the end of "Modifying the questions":
To modify the questions of an assessment under "published Assessments":
To enter the editing screen, selec Edit from the drop-down of the assessment you want to modify.
You can only "edit" published assessments questions. The "change questions order" and "add/remove questions" feature are disabled.
To open the question editing screen, click Edit. Click Save to keep your changes or Cancel to cancel your change.
In "Retracting or removing a published assessment":
Under "Published Assessments", under the assessment's title, click Settings.
Under "Published Assessments", select Settings from the drop-down of the assessment you want to retract.
Under "Published Assessments", click Remove under the assessment you wish to remove.
Under "Published Assessments", select Remove from the drop-down of the assessment you wish to remove.
In "Deleting an assessment":
From the Assessments page, find the title of the desired assessment, and click the corresponding Remove link.
From the Assessments page, find the title of the desired assessment, and select Remove from the drop-down of the assessment.
In "Moving questions between parts of an assessment":
On the Assessments page, click the title of the assessment you wish to work on. You'll see a list of questions for that assessment.
On the Assessments page, select Edit from the drop-down of the assessment you wish to work on. You'll see a list of questions for that assessment.
In "Viewing participant scores and answers to individual questions in Tests & Quizzes":
Column names have changed:
User ID
Submit Date (the date the participant submitted the assessment)
Total Score
Adj (a field for you to enter an adjustment that will be added to the Total Score; click Update to save your changes)
Final (the participant's final score, calculated by adding the Total Score and Adj values)
Comment (a text box in which you can type comments that will appear when participants view their submitted tests; click Update to save your changes)
Please change to:
User ID
Submit Date (the date the participant submitted the assessment)
Adjustment (a field for you to enter an adjustment that will be added to the Score; click Update to save your changes)
Final Score (the participant's final score, calculated by adding to the Score and Adjustment values)
Comment for Student (a text box in which you can type comments that will appear when participants view their submitted tests; click Update to save your changes. In addition to providing feedback in the comment text boxes, you can attach files in the Questions page or a student's individual submission page.)
2. Please add following lines after #4 (Statistics):
5. To see information about the % Correct of Whole Group, % Correct of Upper 27%, % Correct of Lower 27%, and Discrim, click Statistics.
6. To export and download all assessment responses in Excel format, click Export.