2013-06-26 Meeting Notes

Since we are hoping to have a developer meeting on July 2 (one week from now), I reviewed the Samigo (Tests & Quizzes) settings redesign work that the SAMigo working group has been working on with additional individuals from the user and pedagogy communities to see if there were any last minute updates to the spec that were needed.

Attendees: Karen (Durham Technical Community College), Trish and Salli (UVa), Josh Baron (Marist), Sean and Mike (USUHS), Michelle (?), Bryan (Longsight), Jim (AsahiNet). There may have been others but you might have logged off before I could see you were in the room.

Also in preparation for next week's meeting, we did some local paper prototype user testing with 6 veteran users (3 admins, 3 TA/Course Assistants). In general, they seemed to have no problem with the new jQuery pattern, but we generated some short term and longer term ideas--these were also presented during today's meeting.

Today, we reviewed how we had consolidated the 14 settings categories into 4 major categories. The jQuery Accordion pattern that we are planning to move to means that clicking a new category automatically collapses all others; our users had no trouble understanding this pattern, and those on the call generally agreed it was an improvement.

There are 4 tweaks I will make to the specs in response to the user tests.
-Accept late submissions and autosubmit--change language and presentation for clarity (Also, confirm this is now only after "retract date", not due date, and that autosubmit option only appears if enabled on instance)
-reveal "record the highest/lastest/average score" only if number of submissions >1
-"Student assessment score" to "Student total score”
-"indefinately" to "indefinitely"

I'll also be considering the following comments from today, as well as any notes in JIRA (thanks Josh, just looked at your first pdf).
-Mark for review--checked by default? Hard to discover, used to be checked by default, does no harm
-Question Access/Page Layout order: Keli only considered dependencies in one direction, Karen noted that it goes in both and asked that we consider switching order.

Thinking ahead to next week's developer meeting
-Bryan asked if there was any value in consolidating sections if we were not able to do some of the fancier layout changes and responsive disclosure/enabling (don't show/grey out settings unless they are actually relevant). In general, I say yes, but the caveat is that we should do SOME clean up or each category will be too long to easily switch between categories
-Bryan asked about Errors and whether those messages were inline and thus could be hidden--Keli said they are all above the accordion, so wouldn't be hidden
-Keli noted that we haven't considered interaction of the Assessment types with new settings design.

Lastly, I discussed some other findings from those prototype user tests that were not blockers to SAM-2070, but might be additional work we could take on. These are too numerous to discuss here, but I shared them on the call to make sure everyone knows we are aware of them. There were two issues that might have more immediate solutions.
-Standardize Calendar picker--Keli will follow up with Aaron Zeckoski to ask about this, thanks for heads up Trish(?)
-Open All/Collapse all--Some people on call and during user tests said that Open all/Collapse all, which disappears with OOTB jQuery, was a useful option (easy to review all settings at once, see where things are). Bryan Holladay mentioned that he had built something similar in the enhanced Syllabus tool that we might be able to use. One thing I didn't present was that we could have easily switched to a tab pattern, which would save 3 lines of vertical space and more intuitively suggests a progression through the settings. However