Top 3 Samigo Priorities (Short- and Long-Term)

Please list your institution/organization's top 3 short and long term priorities under the appropriate headings below (only one row per institution/organization, please).

Top 3 Short-Term (Sakai 2.9/2.10) Priorities

Institution/Organization Name

Priority 1

Priority 2

Priority 3

Univ of Florida

Tool gets very clunky when used for large audiences we have courses with 1500 - 2300 students taking quizzes in Samigo, viewing scores, download data etc is almost impossible. Performance enhancement will be great. No easy way to allow re-take and no date/time in setting a re-take

able to edit questions (if any errors) that come from a question pool when used in a quiz. Will be good to have this similar to how it is set in Mneme

less confusing terminologies and match terminologies to functional aspect (mainly retract date) most tools have start date, end date and cut off date. Retract date is not the same as Cut off date has a totally different function


The same as above.  We have large groups of 20,000 students.  Real slowness and "hanging" occurs when anything is done to scores.

Math fonts.  

User interface for Matching items improved, and with that selection of Hot Spots on graphics.  Geenral inprovement on interface.  Why must a distractor have an A,B or C in front why not a choice between A, B or C vs 1, 2 and 3 or even nothing so student simply select the option by clicking it.

Indiana University

Stability in delivery, submission and grading (including performance).  

Better gradebook integration.

For example, the ability to send scores for two or more assessments to the same gradebook item, ability to enter comments for non-submitters, ability to set item weight in percentage Gradebooks.  

Functional gaps with our legacy tool, including:

- editing/updating random draw questions in published assessments
- custom settings for individuals an/or groups to accommodate special needs students or special circumstances
- robust reporting/export
- update point values for all questions of a specific type

Rice University

Performance and stability improvements

Button for instructors to record audio clips when creating questions

Ability for students to resubmit on a case by case basis, same as current ability of instructor to allow a student to "retake", but added option where students answers are saved instead of wiped clean.  

Depending on need, SAM-1369 might be relevant here.


Simplification of user interface.

Removing any possibility of data loss or data discrepancy issues to reduce demand on support teams with Samig.

Question pool interface improvements.

Stanford University

Resolve SAM-1223 - students locked out of untimed assessments without warning 

Redesign settings page: vet combinations that might cause user distress; simplify/clarify areas that might cause user confusion (e.g., delivery dates and late submission handling)

Flexibility in making exceptions in settings for a particular assessment (e.g., sick student needs extended due date, student who has disability that requires more time)

University of Delaware

Removing any possibility of data loss or data discrepancy issues to reduce demand on support teams with Samigo.

Add an easy access to a log of everything started/saved in Samigo for easier administrative forensic.

See SAM-1368 for recent work in this area by IU.

Force the browser to get the most recent css and js before starting a quiz.

University of Wyoming

Statistics on random-draw question, not just the variants. E.g., on a question that addresses the Quadratic Theorem, the instructor would like to see statistics on correct-vs-incorrect answer frequency no matter which specific variant was used.

Grading of a single question across all submissions (a button "Next student, same question")


Pepperdine University

Ability to set different release dates or time limits to different groups or individual users. This particularly is helpful in situations where our Disabilities Service Office has allowed extra time on an exam. The workaround of creating multiple copies of the same assessment is clunky and creates confusion in the gradebook since students see all of the assessment titles.  Please allow one assessment to exist but offer settings options to release the assessment in different ways to different users / groups / sections.

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Notifications/confirmations of completed assessment. Similar to how students receive a confirmation email in Assignments, a similar feature available for students or faculty in Tests & Quizzes. This can be very helpful in self-paced or directed-study class sites where students go through lessons (Melete or Lesson Builder) and take summary assessments. The alerts can help instructors know when to return to a site and evaluate student work, and can provide a time stamp and confirmation for students. Of course, should not send any grades, scores, or feedback in the message. If Resource items are available on conditional release rules, then alerts for faculty attention can prove useful.
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Question pool improvements. Improved layout, ability to export pools, etc.

University of Cape Town

  1. Significantly reduce the sql query volume per question.
  2. Improve logging of events (autosave vs submit; auto submit vs submit).
  1. UI to show if session changed during the test.
  2. Have "absent" as a score in all marking schemes (point, letter etc); 
  3. Added/modified question/s in question pool to reflect in existing test (ie lecturer does not need to re-create a test after adding/updating questions in pool)
  4. print questions directly from pool

UI to indicate when student visited another site/module during a timed test;

University of Notre Dame

Tool gets very clunky when used for large audiences we have courses with 120-250 experiencing lag in rendering randomized tests. Improve performance for large-site membership. (rSmart distro

Better gradebook integration.

For example, the ability to send scores for two or more assessments to the same gradebook item, ability to enter comments for non-submitters, ability to set item weight in percentage Gradebooks.  

Statistics on random-draw question, not just the variants. E.g., on a question that addresses the Quadratic Theorem, the instructor would like to see statistics on correct-vs-incorrect answer frequency no matter which specific variant was used.

Top 3 Long-Term (Sakai 2.11 and beyond/OAE) Priorities

Institution/Organization Name

Priority 1

Priority 2

Priority 3


Calculated questions with Variables we would like to contribute some development time if there is a task group assigned to this project 

Enhance survey capabilities, and Multiple response questions (have the option to add additional selection items) support some import mechanisms  (IMS or Common Catridge)

linking images etc in content editor so they do not break when quiz is copied from one course to another

Indiana University

Integration with OAE

Refinement of user interface.   


Stanford University

Improve performance for large-site membership

Modularize SAMigo to better support different types of learning activities (e.g., high stakes testing vs. self-study assignment)

Better learning analytics

University of Delaware

Sharing of question pools.

Linking images etc in content editor so they do not break when quiz is copied from one course to another.

Refinement of user interface.

University of Wyoming

Calculated Questions (question pattern with ranges of values for variables)

Video and audio questions with limited play


Pepperdine University

Ability on assessment completion to return to a specific module in Melete or lesson in Lesson Builder. (Improving user experience workflow in self-paced online courses.)

Better learning analytics.


University of Notre Dame

Modularize SAMigo to better support different types of learning activities (e.g., high stakes testing vs. self-study assignment)

Improve performance for large-site membership. (Short term and long term priority!).