- SiteTitleAdvisorCMS makes unnecessary CM table queries for non-crosslisted and non-course sitesSAK-49148Resolved issue: SAK-49148Brian J.
- Checking licensesSAK-48491Resolved issue: SAK-48491David Horwitz
- Update same score site property is not respected when taking a Quiz through Lessons or direct linkSAK-47203Resolved issue: SAK-47203Brian J.
- Gradebook gb_grade_record_t's date_recorded is updated for lower scores when enabling gradebook.externalAssessments.updateSameScore=trueSAK-46958Core Team
- When displaying the site title, fallback to a non-preferred category section title if a preferred category section title is not presentSAK-46859Resolved issue: SAK-46859Brian Baillargeon
- enhance the link between sakai_events in Messages toolSAK-46644
- enhance sakai_events asn.grade.submission to include which assignment was gradedSAK-46643
- Create a centralized Notifications ServiceSAK-46638
- Create a new Sakai Messaging Hub for viewing, managing, and scheduling communicationsSAK-46636
- Create an Achievements Service with support for digital credentialing (i.e. badging)SAK-46634
- Add support for competencies/learning objectives association and reportingSAK-46631
- NPE When trying to Delete Assignments with CommentsSAK-46432Resolved issue: SAK-46432Charles R Severance
- Equal weight categories causing too many db callsSAK-46316Resolved issue: SAK-46316Andrea Schmidt
- common, edu-service: Deprecated Query setString, setBoolean => setParameterSAK-45811Resolved issue: SAK-45811David Horwitz
- Exception and Send Bug Report page editing a grade in Gradebook ClassicSAK-45742Resolved issue: SAK-45742
- Gradebook Section info does not display if multiple roles have section.role.student permissionSAK-45562Sam Ottenhoff
- PermissionException in SampleDataLoader.initSAK-45406Resolved issue: SAK-45406Earle Nietzel
- Gradebook Section info does not display if multiple roles have section.role.student permissionSAK-44841Resolved issue: SAK-44841Andrea Schmidt
- Hibernate5 deprecated: Query => query.QuerySAK-44162Resolved issue: SAK-44162David Horwitz
- External tool should be able to add any point value to an equal-weighted categorySAK-43994Resolved issue: SAK-43994Sam Ottenhoff
- Add a few large sections to the demo data for testing purposesSAK-43539Resolved issue: SAK-43539Brian J.
- Test failure because of year 2020SAK-42945Resolved issue: SAK-42945Earle Nietzel
- Course Site Removal job does not work correctlySAK-42615Resolved issue: SAK-42615Andrea Schmidt
- Edu-services > ExternalAssessmentService > add API to retrieve internal assessment IDSAK-42613Resolved issue: SAK-42613Brian J.
- Gradebook categories not deleted when site is removedSAK-42548Resolved issue: SAK-42548Sam Ottenhoff
- Import from Site -> Gradebook loses item order if categories existed in siteSAK-42521Resolved issue: SAK-42521
- Section: TimeService => UserTimeServiceSAK-42031Resolved issue: SAK-42031David Horwitz
- commons-collection => commons-collection4SAK-42009Resolved issue: SAK-42009David Horwitz
- Create a link checker tool for Sakai site contentSAK-41726Core Team
- NPE updating gradebook scores from external toolSAK-41625Resolved issue: SAK-41625Steve Swinsburg
- Create a new API that can persist grades without commentsSAK-41283Steve Swinsburg
- User EIDs containing upper case characters inserted into Course Management tables causes authZ issuesSAK-41228Resolved issue: SAK-41228Brian Baillargeon
- Assignments > can circumvent gradebook category with drop/keep uniform point value validationSAK-41058Resolved issue: SAK-41058Brian J.
- edu-services > external GB item "release to students" setting overwritten on updateSAK-41057Resolved issue: SAK-41057Brian J.
- Site Info > Improve performance when displaying roster listsSAK-41026Resolved issue: SAK-41026Brian J.
- GradebookService addAssignment does not persist all data that has been added to the AssignmentSAK-40737Earle Nietzel
- Incorrect grade in student's view when an assignment is linked to gradebook item but no releasing grades in GradebookSAK-40633Resolved issue: SAK-40633
- Add new addOrUpdateSectionMembership method signature that doesn't require reloading SectionSAK-40518Sam Ottenhoff
- Modify Gradebook to use a centralized grading serviceSAK-40442Resolved issue: SAK-40442
- Modify Lessons to use a centralized grading serviceSAK-40441Resolved issue: SAK-40441Core Team
- Modify Test & Quizzes (Samigo) to use a centralized grading serviceSAK-40440Resolved issue: SAK-40440Core Team
- Modify Assignments to use a centralized grading serviceSAK-40439
- Modify Forums to use a centralized grading serviceSAK-40438Resolved issue: SAK-40438
- Create a centralized Grading Service that all Sakai tools useSAK-40437Resolved issue: SAK-40437Adrian Fish
- Delete two gradebook categories and add one produces database lockSAK-40037Resolved issue: SAK-40037Sam Ottenhoff
- getCategoryDefinitions should return the categories that are viewableSAK-40001
- Improvements wrt unpublishing sites with the Course Site Removal jobSAK-39934Resolved issue: SAK-39934Brian Baillargeon
- edu-services > implement site property to override 'gradebook.externalAssessments.updateSameScore' sakai.propertySAK-38440Resolved issue: SAK-38440Brian J.
- The worksitesetup.filtertermdropdowns property should refine results furtherSAK-33977Resolved issue: SAK-33977Brian Baillargeon
- course_site_publish_service.publish.set property not being setSAK-33972Resolved issue: SAK-33972
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