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Students able to unenroll themselves from non-joinable sites in Membership


Students appear to be able to select a site and unjoin or unenroll themselves in the Membership tool from manually created sites which are not joinable. The issue does not affect “official enrollments” that are provisioned using sections. However, some schools do not rely on provisioned sites, so this would be an issue for anyone that enrolls people without using the automatic section feature. It seems dangerous to let students unenroll themselves from their classes, since they might mistake that for dropping a course, or they could unenroll themselves and then not be able to rejoin, since the site isn't joinable. Interestingly, faculty users don't have the ability to select non-joinable, manually created sites for unjoining.






23 Status

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22 Status

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21 Status

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Created May 10, 2024 at 5:05 PM
Updated May 17, 2024 at 2:50 PM



Wilma Hodges May 14, 2024 at 3:04 PM

Initially, I thought this was a regression, but I tested on 20.x again and actually it seems to be displaying the same issue there where students are able to unjoin. I may have inadvertently tested an official enrollment on my first pass by mistake. I also checked as a faculty member for a site I created when I tested on 20. In both of those situations, it won't let you unjoin. See screenshot below. It appears this bug is lot older than I thought!
