- Students able to unenroll themselves from non-joinable sites in MembershipSAK-50082
- Membership / 'more' link on listed sites only displays first site descriptionSAK-48977Resolved issue: SAK-48977Christopher Maurer
- "My Official Course Enrollments" tab should be hidden if CourseManagement is not enabledSAK-48416Resolved issue: SAK-48416Daniel Merino
- Membership: students can "unjoin" sites that they did not self-enroll inSAK-47733
- Membership: Membership help link sends user to the incorrect help pageSAK-47732Christopher Maurer
- Feature Request: Membership - Option for students to see unpublished sitesSAK-47704
- Membership > joinable sites > filter out sites where user is an inactive memberSAK-46055Resolved issue: SAK-46055Brian J.
- Membership > enrolments > sites with multiple enrolled rosters get squished togetherSAK-46050Resolved issue: SAK-46050Brian J.
- Merge Admin Workspace Tools: Become User and User MembershipSAK-44456
- Students who don't have permissions to view roster can't see their own memberships through /direct/SAK-40943Resolved issue: SAK-40943Core Team
- Membership > Joinable Sites > improve some user facing messagesSAK-40246Resolved issue: SAK-40246Jolie Tingen
- Membership > My Official Course Enrolments > fix table sortingSAK-40243Resolved issue: SAK-40243Brian J.
- Worksite: Avoid using event handlers that trigger focus or context changes on user inputSAK-38417
- Search: Provide visual labels or instructions for user inputSAK-38387
- Administration Workspace: Ensure link text is meaningful within contextSAK-38370
- Membership: Provide a valid label for form fieldsSAK-38316
- Membership: improve load performanceSAK-34062Resolved issue: SAK-34062Brian J.
- Non Joinable Sites can be Unjoined via membership toolSAK-33872
- NPE on MyOfficialEnrolmentsSAK-32706Resolved issue: SAK-32706Brian J.
- Membership -> 'Clear Selections' button no longer worksSAK-32470Resolved issue: SAK-32470Brian J.
- Ensure multiple places are obeying the option to display roster title rather than site titleSAK-32376Resolved issue: SAK-32376Brian J.
- New UI for students to see which courses they're enrolled inSAK-32087Resolved issue: SAK-32087Brian J.
- Provide a valid label for form fields - Membership toolSAK-31609Resolved issue: SAK-31609Sam Ottenhoff
- Extra blank column in "My Current Sites" and "Joinable Sites"SAK-31390Resolved issue: SAK-31390Jose Mariano Lujan
- Accessibility - Ambigious link textSAK-31142
- membership alert is using an old style iconSAK-30887Francisco Saez
- membership Search box should be on the far rightSAK-30886Jose Cebe
- membership blue label has too much paddingSAK-30885Jose Cebe
- left nav cut off and footer misalignedSAK-30884
- member more pop up not centered on screenSAK-30883Jose Cebe
- membership checkbox column doesn't fully collapseSAK-30882Resolved issue: SAK-30882Molly Kelsey
- Table header text does not standSAK-30881Jose Cebe
- alignment and formatting issues on membership pageSAK-30880Jose Cebe
- Membership -> My Current Sites: search box and buttons should be right aligned on the pageSAK-30569Resolved issue: SAK-30569Molly Kelsey
- Membership - Morpheus issues from Test FestsSAK-30551
- Apply new spinner technique to various other places in site-manageSAK-30378Resolved issue: SAK-30378Brian J.
- Membership unjoin button appears and is clickable when no joinable sites are in the listSAK-29795Resolved issue: SAK-29795Brian J.
- Provide a custom action for membership provider that just returns sites/rolesSAK-25769Resolved issue: SAK-25769Matthew Jones
- Project Keitai - MembershipSAK-23360Resolved issue: SAK-23360Steve Swinsburg
- Membership / joinable sitesSAK-22710Resolved issue: SAK-22710
- IFrame doesn't resize when JQuery Dialog is opened in "My Workspace: Membership"SAK-20829Resolved issue: SAK-20829
- After running the Full Snap shot extraction from peoplesoft, persons, memebership, classes are imported in SAKAI but the sites are not attached with the instructorSAK-19919Resolved issue: SAK-19919
- Accessibility: My Current Sites Table Lacks Appropriate Row HeadersSAK-19889Resolved issue: SAK-19889Gonzalo Silverio
- Accessibility: Checkboxes to indicate sites to unjoin in My Current Sites table are not uniquely labeledSAK-19887Resolved issue: SAK-19887Gonzalo Silverio
- Accessibility: My Current Sites Table Summary in Membership Tool is Incorrect and MisleadingSAK-19886Resolved issue: SAK-19886Gonzalo Silverio
- Deactivated users see site link in the Joinable Sites section of the Membership toolSAK-19883Resolved issue: SAK-19883
- Membership tool ignores wsetup.disable.unjoin sakai propertiesSAK-19820Resolved issue: SAK-19820Zhen Qian
- Do not have option to add friends to gorupSAK-19268Resolved issue: SAK-19268
- NPE for http://localhost:8080/direct/membership/new/unjoinSAK-18915Resolved issue: SAK-18915
- random 'aaa' in Membership tool when searching for sites that return no resultsSAK-18703Resolved issue: SAK-18703Steve Swinsburg
50 of 130
Students appear to be able to select a site and unjoin or unenroll themselves in the Membership tool from manually created sites which are not joinable. The issue does not affect “official enrollments” that are provisioned using sections. However, some schools do not rely on provisioned sites, so this would be an issue for anyone that enrolls people without using the automatic section feature. It seems dangerous to let students unenroll themselves from their classes, since they might mistake that for dropping a course, or they could unenroll themselves and then not be able to rejoin, since the site isn't joinable. Interestingly, faculty users don't have the ability to select non-joinable, manually created sites for unjoining.