Administration Workspace: Ensure link text is meaningful within context


[New] - 3/18/2018[Issue]"More" link next to "Administration Workspace" lacks informative text. Here, it just announces as more link. Additionally, it opens a dialog and there is no indication about it to screen reader users.[User Impact]Screen reader users are not able to understand the purpose of "more" link and might get confused that what it does. Also, if there will be multiple "more" links on the page (assuming there will be more admin and will have multiple "more" links) then it will be confusing for screen reader users that which more link for the corresponding element they should activate.[Code]

<a id="!admin" class="getSiteDesc" href="#">(More)</a>

[Expected behavior]Developers must ensure that links have a self-evident name and it provides enough information about the link and its fact. Also, developers need to make sure if there will be multiple "more" links then each link have a unique name.Developers can use "aria-label" with a link name including requiring information or "title" which includes all extra information. Recommend to use "aria-label" since it is accessible by all assistive technologies users.[Sample code]

<a aria-label="more about administartion workspace - opens a modal dialog"id="!admin" class="getSiteDesc" href="#">(More)</a>OR<a title="about administartion workspace - opens a modal dialog"id="!admin" class="getSiteDesc" href="#">(More)</a>



Mark Golbeck September 12, 2024 at 7:35 PM

is this still an issue?



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Created April 19, 2018 at 7:36 AM
Updated September 17, 2024 at 6:19 PM

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