Accessibility: My Current Sites Table Lacks Appropriate Row Headers
Test Plan
Hudson CI Server January 24, 2011 at 9:10 PM
Integrated in sakai trunk #425 (See

Sam Ottenhoff January 24, 2011 at 11:03 AM
The My Current Sites table lacks row headers. This makes it difficult for adaptive technology users to navigate from row to row in the the My Current Sites table and know which site the current cell applies to. For instance, if the user was navigating up and down the site description column.
The site title is the appropriate row header for each row in the My Current Sites list. Unfortunately, since the site title is not in the first column of the table, creating appropriate row headers is made more difficult.
If is implemented, then the title attribute of the checkbox would be read as the cell's contents and serve to tie that cell to the site title – including the site title as a row header would be redundant. The 2nd column is the site title, so doesn't need its headers attribute updated either. The 2nd column would need an unique id added to it so the description in the third column could have its headers attribute updated with that id so the site title becomes a header for it.
For example (assuming ):
<td headers="checkbox" class="screenOnly attach">
<input title="Select to unjoin: Physics 101" id="check-2" name="itemReference" value="efefd479-cad6-4002-91f2-50da3f42faef" class="joinable" type="checkbox" />
<td headers="worksite" style="white-space: nowrap;" class="attach" id="mcstR1">
<h4><a href="" target="_top" title="Go to site Physics 101">Physics 101</a></h4>
<td headers="description mcstR1" class="specialLink">Amazing Class Description here</td>