Accessibility: Checkboxes to indicate sites to unjoin in My Current Sites table are not uniquely labeled
Test Plan

Hudson CI Server January 24, 2011 at 9:10 PM
Integrated in sakai trunk #425 (See

Sam Ottenhoff January 24, 2011 at 10:55 AM
Also merged into 2.8.x

Sam Ottenhoff January 24, 2011 at 10:55 AM
r87508 in trunk

amberg1 January 24, 2011 at 7:30 AM
Assigned to the MT as no automatic assignment. Feel free to re-assign if incorrect.
The select boxes in the My Current Sites table of membership are not uniquely labeled. With the current labeling, adaptive technology (AT) users will simply hear "checkbox unjoin unchecked" or "checkbox unjoin checked" when moving from checkbox to checkbox and will have to employee navigational strategies to determine what the checkbox is for. Since the site title is not being used as a row header in the table, the normal table info keys and navigational techniques will fail causing the AT user significant frustration.
The current checkbox and labeling code is as follows:
<input title="Select to unjoin" id="check-1" name="itemReference" value="8165cc66-c8df-41a2-8cc3-fc0cd7de269c" class="joinable" type="checkbox">
<label for="check-1" class="skip">Unjoin</label>
The title attribute will work as a label for input elements (note that the title attribute doesn't work as a label on all form controls). We suggest removing the label to simplify the code and to add the site title to the value of the input element's title attribute:
<input title="Select to unjoin: {put site title here}" id="check-1" name="itemReference" value="8165cc66-c8df-41a2-8cc3-fc0cd7de269c" class="joinable" type="checkbox">
With the suggested code change, the AT user will hear announcements like "checkbox Select to unjoin: Physics 101 Fall 2010 unchecked" or "checkbox Select to unjoin: English 301 Spring 2010 checked" which is much more meaningful.