Non Joinable Sites can be Unjoined via membership tool
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Former user March 23, 2018 at 7:47 AM
could you please explain what you mean with "the site is provided" and "contains a providerid"? What kind of site is that? Here at Umeå university (Sweden) we have two kinds of sites; project sites where participants are handled manualy and course sites. The course sites is created from another system (course administration) which also sync students from our course administration system. Is that kind of course you are refering to when you write that the course is provided? I'm asking becouse I'm not shure how we should handle project course. Should the user be able to leave a project course or not? The documentation states the users should only be able to leave a joinable site. Is that true when it comes to project sites also?
Former user March 14, 2018 at 3:36 AMEdited
We also have this problem! The teaches are very upset that students could unenroll from a course without the teachers noticing. Study results and grades disappear when students leave a course and are hence not reported correctly to the study administration. Please fix this issue.
Kenneth Aragon February 14, 2018 at 2:17 PM
I was able to reproduce the issue on Nightly Trunk. Attached is a screenshot from my testing today. Please note that the checkbox to unjoin will not be there if the site is provided and contains a providerId. If the site is not provided, then you can unJoin even if the site is not joinable.
Benjamin Rappleyea January 29, 2018 at 1:51 PM
Screen shot above is of our instance of 11.4
Benjamin Rappleyea January 29, 2018 at 1:36 PM
Fix for this issue has already been deployed to ISU Dev/Test environments and seems to be working as designed.
Sites that are not set to be joinable can be unjoined by users. If a site is not joinable, users should not be able to unjoin it via the Membership tool. Steps to reproduce:
Create a site and leave it as Non - Joinable
Add student users to the site
Su as one of the Students and access the Membership tool
Expected Result : No checkbox should appear for the site that is not joinable
Actual Result : Student can check the box and unjoin the site