Feature Request: Membership - Option for students to see unpublished sites

Shawn Foster August 22, 2022 at 8:26 PM
We build a similar feature and have been running it locally in production for many years. We contributed it back for Sakai 12:
Alan Regan August 22, 2022 at 6:56 PM
For the UX team, this will involve some thought on where to list the unpublished status. The status is not an item in the tool, unlike the Worksite Setup table. Also, there are two primary tabs to consider, the “My Current Sites” and the “My Official Course Enrollments” tabs. The layout and structure of both tab tables are different. There would need to be a clear indication to the student that the site exists but is unpublished and thus unavailable. Perhaps a link or item that could be activated by keyboard or pointing device that could explain the situation? Any solution must be fully accessible.
Thoughts appreciated.
Alan Regan August 22, 2022 at 6:30 PM
There are 3 main areas where students might see their site information:
Sites Menu (top, right navigation in a computer browser)
Membership (Home > Membership)
Worksite Setup (Home > Worksite Setup)
This ticket focuses on the Membership tool. Separate tickets will be created for the other options.
At the start of a new semester/quarter/trimester/term, a common issue is that students contact a school’s tech support because they can’t see a class site. At our institution, we auto-create sites but leave them in an “unpublished/draft” state so that professors can choose to use the LMS (or not). Also, so professors can develop their sites and add content without students seeing the site while “under construction.”
Provide a Sakai property or configuration to display or not display unpublished course or project sites to enrolled participants in the Membership tool. The primary use case would be official course sites so that students would know that enrollment data has been shared with the LMS from the SIS and that their instructor hasn’t published it yet.
See Also