New UI for students to see which courses they're enrolled in
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Shawn Foster August 15, 2017 at 5:50 PM
Yes, I'm fine with that wording: "Course site not yet available" or "Course site is not yet available"
We can continue this conversation on SAK-32749.
Laura Cira August 8, 2017 at 8:47 AM
here at ND students understand that course sites have to be published before they will see them in Sakai. But I know that won't work or be helpful for everyone. (We also create sites automatically for instructors, so this list means something different for those instructors at other institutions who have to make their own sites).
I'm beginning to like 's suggestion of having a message saying "Course site not yet available". That should work for institutions whose instructors need to make their sites (so students know there isn't one in Sakai) as well as for institutions like ours who just need the instructor to click the big "PUBLISH" button to make it visible for their students.
Matthew Jones August 7, 2017 at 8:06 AMEdited
What do you think about the suggestions on that jira () or PR? We could change published to say something else like "Available" or "Visible". We could also add some filler text into the column.
I think though if you changed it to even say "Available" then students might wonder why it's not yet available and when it will be? I remember Michigan had a similar tool to this page called MyCourses a few years ago and it just had filler text when there was no site.
Matthew Jones August 4, 2017 at 7:07 AMEdited
Maybe have it say "Available Course Sites"? I guess the problem here is students contact support now when there is nothing appearing in that column for some sites but not others. Perhaps some placeholder text in the empty space would also work like "Course not yet available"
I created if you want to discuss there or on the PR. I feel like having placeholder text might actually be more clear.
Shawn Foster August 4, 2017 at 7:04 AM
But to a student, they don't see or understand the concept of "published" in relation to course sites.
Student's (typically, although it could happen to any type of user) often times don't know if they are enrolled in a section or course site properly or if the instructor just hasn't published it yet. This has lead to a lot of support calls in the past at our institution.
It would be highly beneficial to have a place where students can see what enrollments they have, and whether or not the enrollments are tied to existing Sakai sites. The sites will only appear to the user if the site is either published, or the user has the 'site.visit.unp' (visit unpublished sites) permission. If a given section is tied to multiple sites, each site will be listed in the last column, comma separated (provided that each site pass the previously mentioned stipulations). The site titles are rendered as links for ease of access.
The most logical place to insert this new UI is in the 'Membership' tool, which appears in every user's 'Home' space (formerly My Workspace).
We have been running this feature at Western in our production environment since late August, 2015.
This feature introduces the following
This controls whether or not extra information is to appear before the instruction text at the top of the page (first paragraph in the screenshot). The property defaults to an empty string, so that institutions can decide if they want to provide extra information regarding their SIS integration process (or anything else), or not.
This feature supports sorting on all columns of the table, case insensitive searching/filtering, and a caching scheme (with a time to live of 5 minutes per user).