- Property assignment.usePeerAssessment not working correctlySAK-51128Earle Nietzel
- Discussions: Select a Gradebook Item combo box missing labelSAK-50650Shivangi Kumar
- Assignments - Grader: Group filter for assignments released to selected groupsSAK-50502
- Lessons: printing of lesson pages does include unwanted elementsSAK-50493Resolved issue: SAK-50493Core Team
- Tests & Quizzes - If no students take a test, you can't grade themSAK-50373Core Team
- T&Q: Calculated question rounding error for answer keySAK-50321Resolved issue: SAK-50321Sean Horner
- Gradebook: ‘Excuse/Include Grade’ with percentage entry distorts scoresSAK-49811Resolved issue: SAK-49811Sean Horner
- Gradebook: Create gradebook item modal does not follow dark mode themeSAK-49749Resolved issue: SAK-49749
- Assignments: Grader does not respect SCALE_FACTOR and multiplies scoresSAK-49727Earle Nietzel
- signup does not use portal.cdn.versionSAK-49606Resolved issue: SAK-49606Christopher Maurer
- Gradebook: Keyboard navigation does not reach column headersSAK-49442Resolved issue: SAK-49442Adrian Fish
- Announcements: Merged announcements do not display on user Home tools, Bullhorns, or in course Dashboard (22x & 21x)SAK-49425Adrian Fish
- LTI - 21x: With unlimited submissions, the instructor no longer sees the LTI grading screenSAK-49395Resolved issue: SAK-49395Charles R Severance
- PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR while grading samigo submission and viewing uploaded files with node behind F5 load balancerSAK-49380Core Team
- Assignments: New event for student saving peer reviewSAK-49352Resolved issue: SAK-49352Christopher Maurer
- NPE viewing dashboard containing announcements merged from site user isn't a member ofSAK-49341Resolved issue: SAK-49341Andrea Schmidt
- Lessons: Lesson endpoint does not include format field of the BREAK typeSAK-49337Resolved issue: SAK-49337Markus Stetschnig (EDF)
- Lessons: Lesson endpoint does not include fields of the RESOURCE_FOLDER typeSAK-49276Resolved issue: SAK-49276Markus Stetschnig (EDF)
- BaseSiteService.getEntity is to noisy by emitting stack tracesSAK-49265Resolved issue: SAK-49265Earle Nietzel
- Site Archive: No pagination, no ability to sort columns and no searchSAK-49250kunaljaykam
- Rwiki: Tooltip displayed on hovering is unreadable on dark mode.SAK-49218Resolved issue: SAK-49218Matthew Jones
- Accessibility: "Site Drawer" has some H3 tags that are out of sequenceSAK-49200
- Rwiki: Last modified date unreadable on dark mode.SAK-49174Resolved issue: SAK-49174
- Search: Topic title and content for discussions do not display in search.SAK-49173Resolved issue: SAK-49173
- Date Manager > Shift Dates By > Confirmation Message NeededSAK-49172
- Drop Box: Multiple issues with notificationsSAK-49171
- Drop Box: if the option "Do not allow email notification to be sent" is set, students still receive the drop-down to send an email even though the email does not get sentSAK-49170
- Drop Box: Set the option default to Allow email notifications to be sentSAK-49168
- Search: File names are not searchableSAK-49158kunaljaykam
- Lessons: Input does not move to new checkbox item after it is createdSAK-49155Core Team
- Search: Search box has to be selected multiple times for consecutive searches.SAK-49154
- Preferences: Table for sites is unreadable in dark mode.SAK-49136
- Sign up: Meeting schedule table is unreadable on dark modeSAK-49128Resolved issue: SAK-49128Sam Ottenhoff
- Section info: Switching from manual and automatic does not transitionSAK-49126
- Roster: TAs and students do not see the instructor's card in site with groupsSAK-49118Resolved issue: SAK-49118
- Calendar: Issues importing all day events into calendar (.ics)SAK-49092
- Assignments / joinable groups not possible when selecting The selected group(s), as a group assignment (one group member submits on behalf of the entire group)SAK-49085Earle Nietzel
- Date Manager: Additional support for Nullable fields (fix lock issues, add clear button, permit pre-Save clear of any date)SAK-49082Resolved issue: SAK-49082Andrea Schmidt
- samigo test password does not validate special charactersSAK-49079Resolved issue: SAK-49079Manu Fuster
- Contact Us: Unclear error notification text when attached media is larger than 10MBSAK-49076
- Contact Us: Multiple files cannot be uploaded after error is encountered.SAK-49075
- Contact Us: Change default address from GoogleSAK-49074
- Dark Mode | Gradebook: Add gradebook item modal does not follow theme.SAK-49064Resolved issue: SAK-49064
- Lessons: Some top-level page attributes not copied to other sitesSAK-49027Resolved issue: SAK-49027Core Team
- Site Archive - Filter Column HeadersSAK-49026
- Lessons Page Settings Not Retained on Import from SiteSAK-48995Resolved issue: SAK-48995Sean Horner
- Lessons: Unable to post to Discussion when prerequisite option setSAK-48981Core Team
- Assignments: TA can create, edit, duplicate assignments without permissionsSAK-48980
- Assignments: TAs unable to grade group submissions for their own sectionSAK-48969Resolved issue: SAK-48969Zhuo Yang
- Discussions: cannot unset a Forum or Topic's gradebook association back to "Select a Gradebook Item"SAK-48947Resolved issue: SAK-48947
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