Lessons: Some top-level page attributes not copied to other sites
Sam Ottenhoff August 29, 2023 at 9:00 PM
Code is definitely in LessonBuilderEntityProducer.java
protected void addPage(Document doc, Element element, SimplePage page, Site site, List attachments) {
To find the items to archive it does:
But findItemsOnPage doesn’t find the top-level item, right?
Sean Horner August 29, 2023 at 2:56 PM
Page (lesson) release is controlled at the page level, such that one page might be designated not to be released to students unless the prior required page (lesson) is marked as complete. Our institution explains how to use this feature with the following document: https://kb.plu.edu/115808
Such a feature has been extant at least since Sakai 2.9. Whether the bug described in this Jira has also existed since then, I don’t exactly recall.
Sam Ottenhoff August 29, 2023 at 1:16 AM
How can a page be “required”? I thought the idea was that an item within a page could be required or a pre-req that would prevent the user from going to the next item on the page. Looking in the database, the required and prerequisite columns are only present on the item table and not the page table.
Sean Horner August 28, 2023 at 10:24 PM
@Sam Ottenhoff - Not entirely, but one lead is the SimplePageBean.editItem method. For item types of SimplePageItem.PAGE, the two attributes mentioned in the General tab are not evident in this segment of code. Similar issues might exist in the entity producer class that handles the copying of Lessons pages.
Sam Ottenhoff August 28, 2023 at 5:24 PM
Do you know where this code lives?
The following two page settings for top-level pages (pages on the tool menu / site navigation that are not subpages) are not copied to other sites via Site Info > Import from Site:
Don't Release Page Until All Prerequisite Pages are Completed
Require This Page
Other page settings (e.g., “Hide this page from users”) do copy to other sites. Also, the above problem does not occur for subpages.