Assignments: New event for student saving peer review

Andrea Schmidt February 28, 2025 at 11:03 PM
Setting to verified. Earle and I looked at the logs and the correct events are in the logs.

Andrea Schmidt February 28, 2025 at 10:35 PM

Andrea Schmidt February 28, 2025 at 10:10 PM
what do you expect when a peer review has been saved but not submitted?
Do you expect anything to show in the logs if a student opened the peer review, but did not enter anything and exited the page?
Here is a doc with the results:

Andrea Schmidt February 28, 2025 at 9:17 PM
I didn’t get to finish my comment. Earle and I had a meeting over these results. The assignment submissions page didn’t match the events. Am retesting and will post results shortly.
Christina Schwiebert February 28, 2025 at 9:04 PM
, your screenshot looks like what I would expect there. If you then go to Statistics → User Activity and look at the three, there should be some event indicating that Nancy and Jessica saved/submitted the peer review. Before this, there was only events for opening attached files (doesn’t happen if the original submission is inline) or attaching a file (doesn’t happen if there is just a text comment) to indicate peer reviewer activity
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23 Status
22 Status

I noticed this when reviewing event logs for a student where there was a peer assessment. There did not appear to be an event for the student saving a peer assessment. There was the when the student viewed their assigned peer review. There was a event if they uploaded a file for feedback. But there was not an event that was clear when they saved the peer review.
I propose two events - and asn.submit.peer (or whichever codes work best, I was trying to follow the existing and asn.submit.submission). - Student clicks the Save button on the peer assessment
asn.submit.peer - Student clicks the Submit button on the peer assessment