Assignments / joinable groups not possible when selecting The selected group(s), as a group assignment (one group member submits on behalf of the entire group)


If an instructor creates a joinable group, then posts an assignment with the option for:

The selected group(s), as a group assignment (one group member submits on behalf of the entire group)

The joinable group locks. This restricts students in the site from being able to join and take the assignment.

If the assignment is created using the option:

Each individual member of the selected group(s)

The joinable group is accessible/joinable by the student



Sam Ottenhoff February 6, 2024 at 2:40 PM

The status is Open so there is no fix. Only fixes marked as Resolved and Verified are eligible for merging to a maintenance branch.

I’m not sure what kind of fix you are proposing here. The group locking has a sound origin: it was decided that locking a group made more sense than allowing the chaos of users changing groups while an instructor was grading the group.

It makes sense to me that you can’t have a group-submitted assignment released to a joinable group.

Jennifer Loudiana February 6, 2024 at 2:27 PM

Has this been ready to merge? If so can we merge to 22?



23 Status

Please Merge

22 Status

Please Merge

21 Status

Please Merge





Sakai nightly 21/22/23/24
Created July 7, 2023 at 3:29 PM
Updated February 6, 2024 at 2:40 PM