Assignments: Grader does not respect SCALE_FACTOR and multiplies scores


Sakai grader is not handling different values of SCALE_FACTOR, which controls the number of decimal places allowed in the scores. For an assignment with a SCALE_FACTOR of 10 (one decimal place), if an instructor enters a score with two decimal places in Grader, it multiplies the score to have a single decimal place. So 17.75 becomes 177.5. Classic Grader correctly warns instructors that they must enter a score with a maximum of one decimal place.

In most circumstances, Assignments allows scores to have two decimal points. However, very old versions of Sakai allowed just one decimal point. Assignments can be imported from site to site, keeping the old values of SCALE_FACTOR. From the UI, the main indication that these assignments have the old SCALE_FACTOR value is the maximum points that appears on the list of assignments and while grading has only a single decimal place.





23 Status

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22 Status

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21 Status

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Created February 8, 2024 at 1:54 PM
Updated February 12, 2024 at 4:23 PM