07-01-12 CM WG Meeting with UMich

CM WG Meeting with UMich

In attendance: Daisy, Daphne, Duffy, John, Josh, Marc, Zhen


  • ToDo's have square bullets
  • need to have Chuck send out an email about the change from the provider model to the new CM API
    • Josh, Oliver and Marc to draft and give to him
  • Josh to write an adapter to the old provider model so people who don't want to change (much) won't have to
  • uMich course site creation workflow when not inst. of record:
    • if someone requests a course site manually, email goes to authorizer and support staff, support waits for email from authorizer
    • support goes into realm and modifies provider ID, may also fix dept ID
    • all courses at UMich require SIS feed
  • Josh: we still need to deal with the situation when you have the same student coming from two section (and maybe have different number of units)
    • John and Zhen to experiement with this sort of set-up in their system
  • Daisy: going to put terms in a table vs. sakai.prop
  • Marc to include in spec: need to configure when the next term is available
  • make what is called a "term" configurable in CM-related resource bundle, rather than tool-by-tool
  • Duffy: if requesting a course manually, make it more configurable in terms field input
    • default, one field
    • more? put list of fields in sakai.prop (e.g. dept, course #, section)
  • Terms & AcademicSessions
    • need detail here
  • format of courseId & courseName
    • need detail here