2006-07-20 Stanford and UCB Scope Meeting

Stanford and UC-Berkeley Scope Meeting July 20, 2006

In attendance: Daphne Ogle, Josh Holzman, Jackie Mai, Karen Miles, Lois Brooks, Lydia Li, Oliver Heyer, Makoto Tsuchitani, Mara Hancock and Marc Brierley
Notetaker: Marc


  • Meeting Goal
  • Define "Course Management"
  • Frame the Problem
  • Design Goals
  • Review Requirements
  • Scope
  • Solution Options
  • Decision Considerations
  • Next Steps

See meeting slides for full agenda.


Please the attached PPT for context to the notes below.

In general we had a successful meeting and came to some conclusions about where we are going to go from here. The main points were:

  • we will continue with the CM project in pursuit of UCB and SU's objectives for full deployment in Fall '07 (bare-minimum is, both: represent course structures (sections, x-listings, etc.), SU: local admin, UCB: student ID, enrollment status in roster)
  • in terms CM tool-building, we are going to stage this effort in these steps:

0 - build upon CM infrastructure (some done with API, but more will need to happen to hook to framework)

  • CM API/service
  • CM mapping service
  • group provider (chain provider that checks who is in which sites
    • maybe Dept/Local Admins (LA) could be taken care of with this provider
    • LAs would have to be a member of each site rather than which site a person has access to
    • might need an UI allows support staff to decide which LAs get placed in which sites

1 - represent course structures in existing new site set-up wizard and represent SIS data (read-only) in a new "structured home" tool

  • take out CM provider
  • add the hierarchy page, maybe limit
  • eliminate Site action so that it would querie CM service, would then
  • show which checkboxes show
  • then alert CM mapping service

(development for this step begins in August)

2 - bolstered roster tool (likely UCB focus) and local admin capabilities (likely SU focus)

(above is bare-minimum needed for Fall '07, I'm hoping that these will be our end of '06 deliverables)

3 - turn Site Info into site management tool and Section Info into user management tool
4 - full redesign and rebuilding of CM-related admin tools (aka Lexus)

(need to get community support and more resources for options 3 and/or 4)

See this image for a very drafty picture of the UI framework: