2006-08-01 Agenda and Notes

Weekly Meeting Agenda for August 1, 2006

In attendance: Marc, Josh, Daisy, Lydia, Duffy

Notetaker: Marc


  • Summary/questions from last week's developer meeting
  • Set start date for XP iterations.


  • Summary/questions from last week's developer meeting
    • talked about initial phase of dev thru begining of Aug
    • in terms of design, need to know how much of prev wireframes and mockups are still good?
    • see other UI related questions in meeting notes, Marc and Daphne will think about and get back to the group
    • in terms of replacing course structure and find course section, precede that with no UI changes just showind data flat, request screen the same
    • home page
      • SIS data can be pretty off, so editable? should it be one:one? what if there is new SIS data?
      • Josh has a first pass at being able to override SIS data and persist, by part
  • API feedback
    • Marc: what about push/pull?
    • Duffy: there is a push model, where you get a dump from SIS that has to be pushed into the local implementation
      • Josh: we are providing an administration service to take care of this: link? respond to Stephen?
      • Duffy need to hunt down existing docs:
        • sync of local data with authoritative data
        • design patterns for integration
  • Developer tasks:
    • home tool and "realm-style" mapping tool
      • Josh worried about mapping tool actually getting used? should we be working on it at all? if we do should we put some designer time on it?
      • right now only going to deal with sections, not course offering. if we want all need
    • Marc and Duffy will put these into Jira. Do we need to discuss these further?:
      • prep on site info
      • deeper work
      • group provider
      • cm chaining
      • API changes (Schedule object?)
  • Set start date for XP iterations.
    • good to go starting this week
  • Duffy and Marc will discuss syncing Nov release schedule
    • Josh: would be really good to include mapping service home tool, mapping tool
    • what are other good milestones?