2006-06-06 Agenda and Notes

Weekly Meeting Agenda for June 6, 2006

In attendance: Daisy, Duffy, Josh, Marc
Notetaker: Marc


  • Follow-up from conference:
    • Highlights from sessions (Enterprise Integration through the CM Service – Josh and Duffy, User-Centered Design Process for the CM Project – Marc and Daphne, CM BOF – Duffy) how did things go? (deferred)
    • International support staff's feedback (Marc & Daphne) (deferred)
    • Follow-up on solicited CM feedback
      • Processing new contacts
      • Try to get build implementation, review of APIs, sign-ups for user testing
      • International course structures and CM API design
    • Implement initial mockups with RSF?


marc to send out thanks and request for more feedback to conference contact individuals, antrinaig, stephen and david from SA (bcc: ) and cm-wg

  • ask for review of the APIs & possibly implement against the APIs
  • ask for review of course structures and user feedback
  • also send link to data dictionary, SVN

josh: how do we want engage Linda Feng from Oracle? Oracle is participating in redoing the IMS enterprise spec

  • Josh: we'll keep the email chatter going
  • Stanford meeting next week with her, most of CM work group will be there

josh and d: RSF impl is just a way try it out while the major focus of time is on design and the enterprise impl strategy

  • good that people are offering dev resources
  • marc: do we want to mix up the jsf direction?
  • marc: concern of gravity (not being able to throw away) of something that is implemented
  • duffy: most people are in pain with JSF, so experimentation with something else would be good
  • daisy: concern about having a UI person having to touch Java when they are only doing JSF when they have to do defining of properties, conversions of things
  • josh: but date formating are supposed to be done in Sakai so java coding already done
  • duffy: problem is that some schools that don't have resources to teach JSF? just in general it's a good time to experiment
  • duffy: to come up with a criteria for evaluating

criteria for evaluating experiment in RSF:

  • does it function?
  • what's its speed of performance?
  • how easy is it to implement?
  • how does it impact the designer/developer division of labor?
  • overall, does it support usability better?
  • do want to go with something that doesn't have a lot of community support yet?