2006-09-12 Agenda and Notes

Weekly Meeting Agenda for September 12, 2006

In attendance: Josh, Daphne, marc, Daisy & Lydia

Notetaker: Daisy


  • from last time:
    • Section Info CM-awareness requirements
      • time estimates still pending...
    • time availability from team
  • new business
    • Section Info CM-awareness requirements
      • Streamline process for adding TA's to sections
      • SIS vs manually created sections
      • Need to decide if we allow a mix.
      • If sections are created via SIS can manually added students (or guests) be added to those sections? Will need clear distinction between officially enrolled students and manually added.
      • Can students added to a section via SIS data be moved around manually by instructors? If so, there's lots of reconciliation to be worked out.
      • If don't allow a mix, need to add information to UI to explain students can only be moved via the registrars office.
      • Need to show options - if user chooses to have sections automatically created, then they won't be able to manually manage the section. Likely lives where sites are created. If we have the "turn off" then probably don't need this.
      • Be able to show students enrolled in more than one section? Ask Josh about this. Marc and I aren't clear on the problem.
      • If SIS fed, do we allow additional sections (groups) to be created. Does this require replacing groups in site info? And what does that entail.
    • broad-strokes CM browser requirements
      • general: allow support/admin staff to administrate the associations of SIS-provided sections to course site memberships
      • find/browse for a course site (use same browser as in worksite set-up wizard) and add and delete sections
      • OR
      • find/browse for course sections(s) in SIS data (by course title, instructor, term) then add to existing (new?) course site
      • questions:
        • should this be a stand alone additional tool or tacked onto/into current admin Sites tool?


D* : Daisy collection of what people has said
D: Daphne
J: Josh
M: Marc

  • Section Info CM-awareness requirements
    D*: Out of box, sakai we only have one TA role and hence in section info, u only have TA. But in reality, u can have a head TA and TA and many more managing roles that is like a TA but not called TA.
    D*: Can we map all these extra roles to the TA role in Section Info?
    J: this is a feature that we need to tailor, link between tool and user helper, but
    a. u will lose the standalone in section awareness
    b. make that portion into helper which mean we need to get everybody on board to do that
    M: is it conceivable that if u extract something into a helper , just that piece can be shown within the section info
    J: another way is to have all the roles available and when creating a site, you select a subset of those role that you would use. This subset will then be available as a list for selection in Section Info. If a site have only added TA and no other kinds of TA. In Section Info, we don't display the TA role as list.
    M: can we restrict anyone to become TA and restrict function based on role.
    J: Instructor do not need to be added to section
    M: in site, there maybe multiple instructors for a class.
    D: lets' create some options and let Josh, Lydia & Daisy to evaluate what is the best way to do it and estimate time required to do it
    J: need to find out form our constituent, almost certain that Stanford need to allow mix of roles. Casey pre-load site from SIS data. And the roster in CW@Stanford contains enrolled student & student role. Enrolled students are officially enrolled, the are added through pre-loading from SIS data. Students are not officially enrolled and are added manually by instructor or TA.
    D: can student be added manually, do we allow creation of adhoc group apart from SIS created section?
    J: u can create adhoc section, u can add student to enterprise section, u cannot remove students from enterprise section. The rule says you can only be in one section.The current problem is that u can transfer people back & fro between sections. E.g. u have a enterprise "SIS section" and in the left u have "lab 2", an adhoc group. During sync-ing with the enterprise data, officially enrolled students who were moved to "lab2" would be added back, then that violates the rule 'cos these students are now appearing in both sections. The only way around is to say in any catagory which has enterprise section, you are not allowed to move students in enterprise defined section. However, we will allow non SIS students being added to the enterprise section.
  • broad-strokes CM browser requirements
    J: u would map multiple section to a site, i.e. mapping CM section to sakai site through the realm editor. We need to add the capability to find the site Id and the new CM section, then goto the realm to edit that site.
    J: At this point, we have to go through crazy work flow in order to use CM (except section info).But this is a technical milestone. Later, we would want to rewrite the tool instaed of trying to modify realm.
  • Update on home tool, change to wizard, availability:
    Lydia need to work on Samigo this week.
    Daisy needs this week + 2 weeks to debug Samigo. Won't be available till Oct