2006-04-18 Agenda and Notes

Weekly Meeting Agenda for April 18, 2006

In attendance: Working team minus Daphne


  • From last week:
    • Duffy and Marc to reorganize CM space, comments?
  • New business


Marc: not a big deal, but did anyone know who did the notes on 4/4? they aren't posted
All: we don't know
Marc: OK, maybe that's just an agenda only day (smile)

CM site reorganization review

  • Duffy: Presented space revisions; asked about format for roadmap; asked for other input
  • Ray: Editting tables (re: roadmap) seems to be a pain for some people
  • Duffy: Will look into plug-ins
  • Mark: Mar. 7 notes show use of a task plugin
  • Duffy: Plugin lacks notes and E.T.A. columns. I'll mock something else up.
  • Josh: only thing would be to get the section docs included or linked to
  • Duffy: Will include Section docs in-line
  • Josh: Had proposed name change LMSMappingService -> CMMappingService, thoughts?
  • Duffy: +1
    ( crickets chirping )
  • Josh: We should change references in our documentation
  • Duffy: I will change references in Confluence

Roadmap review

  • Marc: though somewhat arbitrary, the main thing Duffy and I wanted to provide a December 2006 end-date target for our group. Hopefully, this will help to help us to organize our efforts. It will also serve as something to tell our own constituencies as well as the wider Sakai community.
  • All: general agreement
  • Duffy and Josh talk about June 1 deliverables here...
  • Duffy: Is LMSMappingService for June correct?
  • Josh: Yes, it will not be well tested till there is UI. June 1 is a reasonable time frame.
  • Marc: How should the general timeline post-June iterations work? Are there Agile resources we can reference?
  • Josh: At beginning of cycle we need to agree on small functionality chunks - one or two features. We need someone to play "client"... Marc and/or Daphne?
  • Ray: We're not really Agile because we are not co-located. We need to be in tight communication.
    general agreement
  • Ray: We can augment by monitoring commits and Jira and via IM.
  • Marc: we probably need to know when people have bigger vacations planned. Let's make a bullet list at the bottom of roadmap page. ToDo

Marc will post the last of the site structure diagrams today and email CM list.ToDo

Marc: in terms of reviewers for the API and service, I've seen posts from Craig, but are we getting the feedback we wanted?
Josh: I've gotten feedback offline from others like Jim F, Seth etc. that has been helpful
Duffy: it would be good to encourage them to post their feedback on-list
Josh: I have (smile)

Daisy: I just had a question about tables...