2007-01-09 Agenda and Notes

Weekly Meeting Agenda for January 9, 2007

Dial-in # 734-615-6805
Password 7710
Notetaker: Daisy


  • To Dos from last time (10 min)
    • post conf slides
    • take a look at the CM usability reports that were at the conference (IU PhD student, Mark Notess distance learning)
  • updates on where we are with the different sub-projects (20 min max)
  • do we need to meet every week? <-- Daphne asked in an earlier email


  • Marc will be updating the New Site Wizard and Homepage spec by 1/12
  • Marc: has anybody taken a look at the usability report yet? Nobody has. Daisy asked Marc to give us a highlight next week. Oliver quoted usability studies in Virginia Tech: the notion of CM is course site management. It didn't necessary focus on the weaknesses of Course Management per say. e,g, 1. inconsistence in terminology e.g. revise vs edit, the other major problem was that ambiguity between sections and groups. They are not sure where & how to find groups & sections.
  • Updates
    • Daisy: working on SiteAction.java, replacing 5 legacy objects (Term, Course, CourseMember, CourseManagementService, CourseManagementProvider) as discussed in the last Decemeber meeting.
      Daisy asked Josh timeline on refactoring of JSF tag and the utility jar. Oliver will get a update on that. Daisy said she doesn't need it till 2nd week of Feb
    • Marc: deadline on Friday to have the site info mock up ready, will have phone conf with John Leasia, Zhen, Josh, Daphne, Duffy & Daisy on Thursday to discuss the Site Info New Course Site and public Home page. M also want to discuss the path way to show Syllabus more publicly?
      • walk (quickly) through current mockups (revisions posted late today)
      • what is the best strategy for incorporating SiteAction/Site Info
        changes so that the new CM code/UI can be used as well as preserving
        the current? Or do we need to do this if CM is the declared default
        integration method starting with 2.4 (Chuck's email ????????????)?
      • should we fix the Site Info workflow so that OOTB it doesn't assume
        any integration as it does now? This would require a configuration.
        But if we make CM vs. legacy provide configurable and that affects
        the UI, why not make a default config for manual/OOTB Sakai?
      • is there a way to expose the more robust content of the Homepage
        tool via the public Sites tool? We have a number of requirements
        around making course information public.
    • Josh: still working on Section Info, UI, bugs, alignment, need to refactor something to call SiteService. working on GroupProvider interface. Daphne working on stuffs. Haven't started integerating Roster & Gradebook yet
    • Linda: development in India is doing training class with Mark Norton. So the team can start working with Unicorn. From the release stand point, change from mid to end of 2007. Function stand point: did a basic mapping of campus solution objects to sakai object, now we are mapping attributes. Can post the mapping document next week for u to see - Duffy is interested, Minh@Stanford should be interested.
  • Josh thinks we wlll have the ramp up to have more informal small meetings to discuss about the work. Linda thinks once a month to get summary is good 'cos she is not that involved with the actual work. Duffy agrees. So all vote for monthly meetings from now on.

Attendees: Marc, Oliver, Josh, Duffy, Linda, Daphne, Daisy

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