2006-11-21 Agenda and Notes

Weekly Meeting Agenda for November 7, 2006

Call-in Phone Number: (734) 647-7898
Code: 1620
Notetaker: Daphne


  • updates on where we are with the different projects including... (20 min max)
    • process for phasing in design and development of mixing of manual and SIS sections
    • comments on Homepage spec
  • questions on CM Home Tool mock up (10 min)
    • entry for Term is missing in form
    • Other Meetings:
      • when clicking at Add another custom meeting, persist "all" data on refresh. What is "all"? everything that has been modified up to that point or just all the input box under "Other Meetings".
      • By Default: with a brand new HomeTool, should there be one empty row for entry?
      • removing of meeting requires no confirmation and will be set in stone when Update is click or when add another custom meeting is clicked??
    • Custom Part
      • when add another custom part is click, add custom part set => repeat the whole part including green label "Custom Part" and Atatchment, correct?
      • By Default: with a brand new HomeTool, should there be one custom part available for entry?
      • Remove a custom part will be set in stone after confirmation, ciorrect?
  • conference presentation planning (30 min)


Attendees: Judy, Daphne, Marc, Oliver, Ray, Josh, Linda, Seth, Daisy


Section Info
-Email conversation about configuration options spurred interest. That's good.
-UI is coming along
-Draft spec will be updated and posted today or tomorrow
-Had interim meeting about the mix of manual and automatic sections in the same site. This is important to Stanford. Oliver and Marc made a plan that after the 1st of the year, we may phase in design and development to handle this use case. Oliver wants to make it clear that changes need to add value to Berkeley in order for us to justify putting the resources on it.

Roster tool
-Finished this week (per Lance)
-IU handling QA on both Roster and Gradebook work
-Turns out IU is happy with the changes and will be able to take advantage of them in their production

-Duffy isn't here but Marc doesn't think there have been any changes.
-Marc's next design task is to finish up those mock-ups.
-Duffy, Daisy & marc will put together a timeline for browser tool and changes to the wizard.

Homepage Tool
-Referring to it as the homepage tool moving forward.
-To make it clear, this will not be included in the OOB Sakai so it doesn't matter what we call it.

Homepage Questions from Daisy
¿ Entry for Term is missing in form - Marc - Hoping that it's known
¿ Other Meetings:
o when clicking at Add another custom meeting, persist "all" data on refresh. What is "all"? everything that has been modified up to that point or just all the input box under "Other Meetings". - Marc, if user fills in any form elements that data does not disappear. Don't lose any information that user has typed into the page. Doesn't necessarily need to be saved to DB
o By Default: with a brand new HomeTool, should there be one empty row for entry? - Marc - yes
o removing of meeting requires no confirmation and will be set in stone when Update is click or when add another custom meeting is clicked?? - Marc - right
¿ Custom Part
o When add another custom part is click, add custom part set => repeat the whole part including green label "Custom Part" and Attachment, correct? - Marc - right
o By Default: with a brand new Home Tool, should there be one custom part available for entry? - Marc - he will think about this and get back to Daisy
o Remove a custom part will be set in stone after confirmation, correct? - Marc - Right.

¿ Deep linking between tools - is this a current capability? Josh says not yet but there may be something there in 2.4

¿ Connecting with Institutional systems - Linda will put together slides and send to the group for feedback...need for expansion, etc? She's hoping folks can sit on the stage with her. Should Josh do a summary of what he's presented elsewhere as it relates to hooking it up to the campus solutions. She will send this out early next week.
o Oracle dev group is reviewing the Sakai documentation. They are doing analysis to make sure they are using the same terminology as Sakai.
o Anything that has to do with UX is above the API and anything that Oracle is doing is below the API.
o Marc is wondering how the course structures will be represented. He will look at what Linda puts together to see if it makes sense based on the requirements work already done.
¿ Josh - 1) Wants to fly through the 2 solutions options: High level solution, 2) Touch on specific places in the code to look for these. 3) Implementation options
o Josh will send drafts as soon as he's got them. Marc will also send something out in draft form for he and Duffy's presentation. Linda would like to review the other sessions them before her presentation to make sure we are all in synch.
¿ General CM update discussion (Wednesday 10:30)- Last time had 2 separate sessions, technical update & user research, modeling, preliminary design update.
o We could combine these.
o Should we talk about how the project has been broken down.
o Important to have some discussion about 2.4 implementation changes
o Explanation about the UI and functional changes on a tool by tool basis.
¿ Oliver suggests that Marc and Daphne do this
o Implications for 2.4 - who can present this? Oliver. This will include the configuration options.
o Oliver to give an update from his tool carousel presentation during this presentation
¿ Tool carousel - Oliver will be presenting the UI changes along with the configuration options. He's planning to focus on the new stuff.

To Dos:
¿ Daphne to spend time looking at the home tool mock-ups to see if there are any obvious concerns with behaviors between this tool and Section Info.
¿ Marc & Daphne need to synch up about Staff vs TA so the tools handle these things the same.
¿ Josh to help Linda make sure she is looking at the most recent documentation. Mark N.'s documentation is the most complete but probably not the most up-to-date.
¿ Marc to schedule a meeting for he and Daphne to talk through design issues.