Feb. 26, 2007 Agenda and Minutes
- feedback on accessibility
- feedback on buttons vs. links in action area
- some user evaluation with an HTML mockup (Harriet)
- implement at some point soon
- accessibility - we were going to run some ideas past Mike.
- Yahoo dropdown menu: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/button/example07.html
- is this accessible?
- in addition to Mike, we should also talk to people in Toronto.
- Jim will contact Mike
- Harriet has been sick, and Jim has been on vacation, so we don't have mockups done yet today
- maybe our first mockup should use the Yahoo library and see how that works
- ACTION ITEM: check out accessibility and licensing of Yahoo libraries
- it looks simple. It has its own CSS, which we may need to be careful about, and talk to Gonzalo
- Feedback on buttons vs. links - did anyone take this to the UI-DG?
- we wanted to do a quick user evaluation first, and that's what the mockup was for
- Create HTML mockup using YUI buttons (Harriet)
- Show to some users (Harriet, Kathy if poss)
- Discuss on UI-DG (Harriet & Kathy et al)
- Goal-aware/tagging:
- Mara had suggested that we be thinking about incorporating Goal Aware into Resoruces, or something of the sort
- Harriet: "I went back to Goal Aware and looked at it in a lot of detail ... worked through it as three different people working on thier goals
... and I can see that the purpose is still pretty much what it was when I talked to Sean last term ... so linking it into Resouces makes very little sense, I'd say" - tagging an interesting option
- Mara says "images" is already using it
- also seeing who's read what - Melete
- site stats allows you to see who's read what, using the events table, but these are 2.5 issues.
- Meetings:
- we should have another meeting this Friday to go over what comes out of the mockups and follow-up discussions
- Mike Ostermann would like to attend, and it would be better for him to push back the meeting time an hour
- Should we invite other people to these meetings, or just make them open?
- we should take care to surface these meetings and work as much as possible, and we can put out a call for other people who may be interested in being involved, but trying to set up a standing open meeting seems a step too far.
- We'll meet on Friday at 11.
Initial mockup link: https://camtools.caret.cam.ac.uk/access/content/group/b55327a3-cf2b-4913-00dd-8eb6676308e0/YUI%20Resources/resources.htm