August 10, 2006 Agenda and Minutes

Tentative Agenda:

  1. Development Update
  2. Timed Release QA
    • discussion of issues/ that have surfaced in testing
    • what other testing needs to be done?
    • do we have enough people involved in testing
    • Is it time for a new build on QA server?
    • Are any schools involved in this also using OSP? If so, we may need
      to test their attachments.
  3. Other issues to be dealt with before "release"

Timed Release QA

Date Widget samples:

Timed Release UI Document

Reordering Resources UI Document



  • Jim Eng
  • Mike Osterman
  • Kathy Moore
  • Clay Fenlason

Development Update

Jim now has some CSS from Gonzalo that should handle the greying out of hidden items for those that can see them, and a couple other fixes have been checked in. A new branch that includes this and can be ready this weekend.

Upshot: we'll update the QA server with all this early next week.

Soo Il should be able to start the Date widget refactoring Friday morning. When he's done with that, there's another day or so's work for Jim to make it a velocity tool.

Upshot: We should have everything ready roughly mid-week next week.

Timed Release QA

Basic permissions look OK, and now we're spending more time on the scheduling portions.

You can't use FCKEditor's link browser to link to resource files.

Have we had enough people doing QA? Not yet. But we should be able to put more people on it now. Francette's back from vacation, and Mike can give it a little time.

Are any of the schools involved with this using OSP? For the two schools on the call: No. And we don't think the other two schools are using OSP right now either.

Conclusion: We won't try to do any OSP testing during this phase.

It would be good to do more attachment testing, since different tools treat them in slightly different ways.

Also wiki and Search. Although they are provisional, there is keen interest in them.

Other issues?

Our phone conference lease is nearing its end - Jim will get it extended by 6 weeks.

We'll put reordering resources out of our minds for now - pick it up again in a couple weeks.

How will this pre-release release be distributed? Schools will have to think carefully about whether any of their patches or custom work may conflict with the metaobj and content changes that have been made here. Just something to keep in mind.