May 31, 2006 Agenda and Minutes


  • Revisit requirements
  • UI discussion
  • Next actions


Jim Eng
Kristol Hancock
Megan May


  • Francette Myburgh
  • Johan van den Berg
  • Shaun Donovan


  • Clay Fenlason

Texas State, San Marcos

  • Zach Thomas


(As best as I can remember them - please make enhancements/corrections as needed)

The question of other requirements was put forth, and the display of description and images in Blackboard for a Course Documents folder. This brought up the discussion of alternate views for Resources rather than trying to cram yet another feature into the file system-like display. It was decided to keep this in mind but to table this requirement for a later iteration of Resources work.

There was significant discussion of the ramifications of placing the release/retract restrictions deep in the ContentHostingService to prevent "back door" access through tools other than resources. The concern was put forth that burying it so deep that will cause unexpected and inconsistent behavior in tools that reference Resources, either by linking or cloning.

It was also suggested that we consult our user base to ensure that this feature is what they are truly expecting.

The conensus was that the release/retract must reside in ContentHosting to be of any value, but the feature would be configurable via and perhaps per site with a default setting of "off".

As for sort ordering of resources, the main point of contention seems to be where the UI for this feature belongs. UNISA, BU and Whitman have offered to create mockups and will work with Kristol.

Next actions

  • UNISA, Whitman and Kristol will collaborate on UI mockup and provide these the week after the conference.
  • Texas State will run scenarios to test what happens when a Course Document (analog of Resource) has been retracted/deleted after being referenced elsewhere in the site.
  • We will have another phone conference on June 15 to try to settle UI questions.