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statistics do not show when random draw from pool is used



When an assessment involves random draw from pool, no statistics link shows. This is a problem. Both total score and score per question are still meaningful, although interpreting them is slightly different than if you're not using a random draw.



Fix versions





2.1.2 release gradebook+samigo in 2.1.1, testing enviornment on OS X.
Created April 19, 2006 at 12:59 PM
Updated April 17, 2018 at 8:32 AM
Resolved March 26, 2012 at 1:32 PM



Neal Caidin September 22, 2017 at 7:19 AM

user consolidation process

commented on 25-Jun-2012

I applied the patch to our 2.8.1 instance. It's working properly now for the "Instructor View". The "Student View" on the other hand, is still missing the Statistic link when an assessment is based on a random draw from a question pool. To get the link to show up, I made a small change to selectIndex.jsp:

Index: samigo-app/src/webapp/jsf/select/selectIndex.jsp
— samigo-app/src/webapp/jsf/select/selectIndex.jsp (revision 11011)
+++ samigo-app/src/webapp/jsf/select/selectIndex.jsp (working copy)
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
<h:commandLink title="#


" id="histogram" action="#


" immediate="true"

  • rendered="# { eq 'show' && reviewable.feedbackComponentOption == '2' && reviewable.statistics && !reviewable.hasRandomDrawPart && !reviewable.isAssessmentRetractForEdit && reviewable.isRecordedAssessment}" onmouseup="disableLinks(this);">
    + rendered="#
    { eq 'show' && reviewable.feedbackComponentOption == '2' && reviewable.statistics && !reviewable.isAssessmentRetractForEdit && reviewable.isRecordedAssessment}
    " onmouseup="disableLinks(this);">
    <f:param name="publishedAssessmentId" value="#
    " />
    <f:param name="hasNav" value="false"/>
    <f:param name="allSubmissions" value="true" />

Hui Tsao March 14, 2012 at 11:48 AM

After discussing within the Samigo team, we think this is more like a new feature instead of a bug. So we would like to be more conservative and decide not to merge to 2.8.x.

David Horwitz March 12, 2012 at 3:49 AM

Reopened to move to Samigo project and set the merge flags

Jasmine Thapa November 15, 2011 at 2:04 PM

Verified on Server qa3-us. Statistics is showing up when random draw from pool is used.

Andrea Schmidt November 11, 2011 at 8:05 AM

Verified it is working on
trunk + experimental on HSQLDB - Built: 11/11/11 10:30 - Sakai Revision: 100687 (Kernel 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT)- Server localhost

It is NOT working on
tags/sakai-2.9.0-a01 QA on Oracle - Built: 10/26/11 12:00 - Sakai tags/sakai-2.9.0-a01 (Kernel 1.3.0-a01)- Server qa3-us
