OpenLdapDirectoryProvider maps external user IDs onto User.ID rather than User.EID


This issue relocates the portion of that dealt specifically with the OpenLdapDirectoryProvider so that can be resolved as the result of work on SAK-11476.

I'm not sure if it is appropriate or not to start opening tickets against 2-5-x, but the trunk OpenLdapDirectoryProvider still has the problem that Noah's patch addressed, so I'm setting the Affects Version to all released versions starting with 2.2.1, plus Nightly and 2-5-x. Even though I'm guessing this bug would be a show stopper for many deployments, I'm setting the priority to minor since Noah's patch dates back to Feb 5, 2007. Noah's original patch is attached. Line numbers in that diff will be off for the trunk, but the fix is very straightforward.





Matthew Jones April 24, 2018 at 10:33 AM

Bulk closing issues that have not been updated since 2015 and earlier. Please reopen if this is still an issue and you have new information or if this is a feature you'd like to still have consideration for.

Won't Fix






Created October 9, 2007 at 9:33 AM
Updated April 24, 2018 at 10:33 AM
Resolved April 24, 2018 at 10:33 AM