filtering the searching and viewing of users to only those users with the same named usertype(s)


We want to be able to set the user membership tool into a worksite with an additional property that has the effect of limiting or filtering the searching and viewing of users to only those users with the same named usertype(s). For example, if we have a usertype 'school-A' and every user from that school has that usertype. Then we would want to place the user membership tool in a worksite for school A, give the coordinator/teacher at School A access to that worksite, and when using the user membership tool that cooridnator would only see users with usertype 'school-A' .. all other usertypes would be effectively --invisible..

This improvement would allow us to 'release' the tool to school coordinators, and in so doing, achieve a sort of distributed administration capability!

Nuno has suggested

  • userType.limitToSelf [boolean] (eg, true)

  • userType.limitToList [list] (eg, guest,access)

as 2 possible filters. It should be possible that a coordinator can 'manage' more than one user type so the List function ... Can we perhaps manage these properies in the tool properties available throught the 'site' tool interface ?


independent of environment

Test Plan




Nuno Grilo November 5, 2007 at 4:34 AM

In r37732.

Tested on local trunk instance.

This is a new feature will not go into 2.5/2.5.x, only 2.6. However, usermembership trunk is very stable and can be used in production.






Fix versions


Created October 31, 2007 at 8:03 AM
Updated March 27, 2012 at 7:00 AM
Resolved November 5, 2007 at 4:34 AM