Confirmation page after users join a site

Aaron Zeckoski March 27, 2012 at 12:36 PM
CLE team bulk inactive issues cleanup - if this is important then reopen or create a new issue

David Horwitz February 23, 2010 at 6:33 AM
MAINT TEAM REVIEW: This feature request is currently unassigned and will be reviewed. In line with stated Jira practice Feature requests that are not going to be implemented will be closed with a status of "wont fix". If you intend implementing this issue please ensure that its up to date and assigned correctly
This is under My Workspace, Membership. When students click Join to add themselves to a worksite, the worksite tab appears on the
top horizontal bar or under the drop down menu (depending on how the tabs have been configured). This
is a usability issue especially if the tab appears under the drop down menu. We've observed users not knowing where to go after they've joined a site.
Ideally, users should see a confirmation page that tells them that they have joined the site and where to locate it.