2.6 Matrices Tool Help

Matrices: Overview

A matrix is a framework for guiding students (or another group of users) through the process of creating a learning or assessment portfolio. In a matrix, portfolio assignments are represented as cells organized into rows and columns with descriptive titles. Matrices are commonly used to track progress across criteria, milestones, or standards (the rows) in relation to different activities, levels, or periods of time (the columns), but the rows and columns can also represent other things or concepts. The intersection of each row and column forms a cell with the row and column labels describing the intended content. The elements within the cell provide a means of guiding and documenting learning, encouraging reflection on the learning experience, and providing feedback and evaluation.

Matrices are highly customizable and can be used to document learning or achievements in many areas - general education, co-curricular development, program requirements, course activities, graduation standards, faculty promotion and tenure, and more. The matrix author (usually the CIG Coordinator role) determines the structure, purpose, and content of the matrix and each cell within it. The author guides participants through the activities for each cell by supplying instructions, rationale, and/or examples. Authors may also include forms that structure participant evidence of learning or achievement, forms that prompt participants to reflect upon their evidence, forms for designated reviewers to provide feedback on participant progress, and forms for designated evaluators to assess the work after a participant submits the cell. Finally, the author may also determine the order in which participants complete the cells.

Participants review the guidance in each cell, complete the forms that are presented and provide evidence from Resources to document their learning or achievement in relation to the criterion and level for the cell. Participants may also be asked to reflect upon that evidence according to prompts provided in the cell. After the participant completes the tasks described in the guidance, s/he may be expected to submit the cell for evaluation. Site members with appropriate permissions can provide formative feedback to participants at any time. Summative evaluation occurs only after a cell has been submitted for evaluation.

CIG Coordinators (site organizers or other users in the CIG coordinator role) can create portfolio templates to display the content of a completed matrix or a matrix in process. Using these templates, participants are able to transform their matrices into presentations that can be shared with the public or selected audiences.

User Roles and Associated Actions in Matrices

Each user's role and permissions determine what the user can do in the Matrices tool. The four principal roles and the matrix actions associated with each role (via permissions in the out-of-the-box version of Sakai) are given below:

CIG Coordinator

  • Design, create, modify, and delete matrices.
  • Publish a matrix so that other roles can use it. (Important note: Do NOT publish a matrix until it is exactly the way you want it.)
  • Export a matrix and then create an identical copy by importing it into the same site or a different site.
  • Change the Matrices tool permissions for all users in any given role.
  • Change the status of a matrix cell for the current user or all users.


  • Add evidence of their learning to each cell by completing forms or attaching examples of their work.
  • Write reflections about their learning
  • Submit cells for evaluation
  • Read the feedback and evaluations of their work.


  • Provide formative feedback on a participant's cell by completing a feedback form.


  • Provide summative evaluation on submitted cells by completing an evaluation form.
  • Change the status of a cell from Pending to Completed (or back to Ready if additional work is needed) or leave the status as Pending (if additional evaluations are required).

Designing a Matrix

Many of the guidelines that apply to designing other types of wizards also apply to designing a matrix. First and foremost, avoid unnecessary complexity. Although it's possible to add lengthy instructions, links to files, and numerous forms to each cell, doing so may overwhelm your users. Focus on the essentials. If something seems to have little or no value at any point, leave it out.

To design a matrix, follow these steps:

  1. Analyze the activity or process that the matrix will support.
  2. Identify the rows and columns you will need.
  3. Identify the content needed (instructions, files, forms, etc.) for each cell of the matrix and for the matrix as a whole.
  4. Draw a diagram showing the organization of the matrix's components. Do NOT omit this step. Matrices are fairly complex and many aspects of them cannot be changed after publication, so it's very important to diagram the matrix and identify the content for each cell before creating them in the Matrices tool.
  5. If you plan to attach files to provide information to users of the matrix, create those files and store them in Resources in the site containing the matrix.
  6. Identify the cells in which formative and summative feedback are needed. Before making decisions in this regard, think carefully about the load placed on reviewers (those who provide formative feedback) and evaluators (those who provide summative feedback). Also, keep in mind that after a cell or a matrix has been submitted for evaluation, participants can no longer change it.
  7. Identify people to provide formative and summative feedback. Be sure they have appropriate permissions. Typically, the people who provide formative feedback are assigned to the Reviewer role and those who provide summative feedback are assigned to the Evaluator role. Role assignments are made in the Site Info tool and the permissions associated with each role are defined in the Matrices tool via the Permissions link.
  8. If you plan to use non-global forms in the matrix to provide structure for site participant work, reflection prompts, and review and evaluation of work in the cells, store the XML schema documents (.xsd files) files for those forms in Resources. Then add each form schema to the Forms tool so the forms can be incorporated into your matrix. For more information on this step, see [link to Forms tool documentation].
  9. In most cases, it is good practice to use a single cascading style sheet (CSS) throughout the matrix. If you plan to use a stylesheet other than the default, store the .css file for it in Resources. Then add the .css file to the Styles tool so it can be applied to the matrix. For more information on this step, see [link to Styles tool documentation].

Creating a Matrix

Creating a matrix involves multiple steps:

I. Creating the framework for the matrix.
II. Setting up the cells.
III. Publishing the matrix.

Step I: Creating the Framework

To create the framework for a matrix, open the Matrices tool and follow these steps:

  1. If the Matrices home page is not displayed, click the tool Reset button.
  2. In the Matrices menu near the top of the screen, click the Add button. Sakai displays the Add Matrix screen. The screen is divided into sections with labels that describe the type of options or features available in the section.
  3. In the Information section, enter a title for the matrix and a description of its purpose. Only the title is required.
  4. In the Colors and Style area, the Style field allows you to apply a custom cascading stylesheet to the Matrix.
    • To apply Sakai's default style to the matrix, skip this step and proceed directly to the next step.
    • To apply another style to the matrix, click Select Style. Sakai displays the Manage Styles screen. This screen lists the styles available for use in your matrices. Click the Select link for the style you want to apply to this matrix. Sakai returns to the Add Matrix screen. The name of the style you chose is displayed in the Style box. Or, to return to that screen without selecting a style, click Go Back.
  5. Under Matrix Status Colors, select colors to indicate the status of each cell in the matrix. To change a status color, click the palette icon for the status, and select the desired color.




    This cell is available for site participant work.


    The participant has submitted this cell for evaluation.


    This cell has been evaluated and its content can be locked.


    This cell is not available for site participant work at this time.

  6. The Structure section is where you will define the rows and columns for your matrix. To add a column, click Add Column. Sakai displays the Editing Scaffolding Column screen:
    1. In the Name box, enter a name for display in the column header. Keep in mind that shorter names for columns allow for better use of screen space.
    2. To select a background color for this column other than the default (gray), click the color palette icon for the Background Color box and select the desired color.
    3. To select a color for the text in this column other than the default (black), click the color palette icon for the Font Color box and select the desired color.
    4. To save your work on this column, click Update. Sakai displays the Edit Matrix screen, including information for the column you have just created. Or to return to the Edit Matrix Properties screen without adding this column, click Cancel.
  7. Repeat the previous step as needed to create the remaining columns for your matrix. Caution: Think carefully about the number of columns in the matrix. After publishing a matrix, you can add columns but you cannot delete them.
  8. To change the descriptive label for columns to something other than the word "Column," enter the term you prefer in the Column Label box.
  9. To add a row to the matrix, click Add Row. Sakai displays the Editing Scaffolding Row screen.
    1. In the Name field, enter a name for display in the row header.
    2. To select a background color for this row other than the default (gray), click the color palette icon for the Background Color box and select the desired color.
    3. To select a color for the text in this row other than the default (black), click the color palette icon for the Font Color box and select the desired color.
    4. To save your work on this row, click Update. Sakai displays the Edit Matrix Properties screen, including information for the row you have just created. Or to return to the Edit Matrix Properties screen without adding this row, click Cancel.
  10. Repeat the previous step as needed to create the remaining rows for the matrix. Caution: Think carefully about the number of rows in the matrix. After publishing a matrix, you add rows, but you cannot delete them.
  11. To change descriptive label for rows to something other than the word "Row," enter the term you prefer in the Row Label box.
  12. Under Progression, click the appropriate radio button to select the way you want participants to work through the cells in the matrix. The progression determines which cells have the Ready status and which are locked. (For instance, with horizontal progression, the cells in the first column are ready to accept input and the columns to the right are locked. As soon as a cell is submitted, the cell to its immediate right changes from locked to ready.) Choose from None, Horizontal, Vertical, Open, or Determined by Instructor.
  13. Under Reviewer/Evaluator Access, select the desired level of access for users in the Reviewer and Evaluator roles.
  14. Under Feedback options, use the radio buttons to determine how many feedback forms can be filled out in the general feedback area of the cell and for each item uploaded by the participant.
  15. When you have finished creating your matrix, review all of your choices making changes if necessary. Then click Save Changes to save your work. Or, to exit without adding a new matrix, click Cancel.
  16. If you clicked Save Changes, Sakai saves your changes and displays the new matrix on the Edit Matrix screen. Note the following:
    1. The matrix title you specified in step 3 is displayed in the top left corner of the table. If you entered a description in that step, it is displayed above the table.
    2. The column names, background colors, and text colors you chose are displayed as the column headers.
    3. The row names and colors you chose are displayed as the row headers.
    4. The legend shows the colors you selected to indicate cell status.

Step II: Setting up Cells

Once you create the matrix structure, you need to add appropriate content to and configure each cell. A matrix cell can contain guidance, evidence (or artifacts) selected by the participant, a form for the participant to write a reflection, and forms for formative feedback and summative evaluation of the contents of the cell. All elements in the cell are optional and will not be visible unless you choose to include them.

To set up cells for a matrix, open the Matrices tool and follow these steps:

  1. If the Matrices home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
  2. Find the matrix you want to work on and click the Edit link next to its name. Sakai displays the Edit Matrix screen.
  3. Click the desired cell. Sakai displays the Edit Cell screen. The screen is divided into sections with labels that describe the type of options or features in the section.
  4. Under Cell Settings, review the cell title. The default title includes the name of both the column and row that intersect at this cell. Change the title of the cell, if needed. An entry in the Title box is required.[Note: If the names of rows or columns are long, the title for the cell can be cumbersome. Consider using modifying the cell title to shorten it and make it serve some useful purpose.]
  5. Enter a description (objectives, etc.) of the cell, if desired. [Note: The description field can be a useful way to insert a brief set of instructions or guidance.]
  6. In the Initial Status box, select either Ready or Locked to indicate whether this cell is to be available to participants as soon as the matrix is published. If you selected the horizontal or vertical progression in step 12 of the previous section, accept the default.
  7. To apply a separate cascading style sheet to this cell, see "Step 1: Creating the Framework," step 4, above.
  8. If you do not want participants to be able to attach files to the cell, check the Suppress Evidence Attachments box.
  9. Under Guidance, enter or attach instructions, prompts, and/or other information needed by the participants in order to complete the cell. Three guidance pages are available for this purpose:
    1. "Instructions": For providing on what to do in the cell.
    2. "Rationale": For describing the purpose of the cell.
    3. "Examples": For describing and attaching examples of work similar to what participants should provide.
  10. Under User Forms, the Add Form(s) menu is for selecting forms that participants will complete in the Evidence area of the cell. To add a form for this purpose, select the desired form from the menu and click Add. You may repeat this process to add additional forms. CAUTION: Selecting the form from the drop-down menu is not sufficient to add the form to the matrix cell. You must click the Add button for the form to be saved as part of the matrix cell workflow. CAUTION: Selecting the form from the drop-down menu is not sufficient to add the form to the matrix cell. You must click the Add button for the form to be saved as part of the matrix cell workflow.
  11. If the participant will be asked to write a reflection, select the desired reflection form from the list.
  12. Under Feedback and Evaluation, select a forms to support each of these activities if needed.
  13. If you include an evaluation form in the cell, click Manage Evaluators to specify the users or roles that will be responsible for evaluating the cell.
  14. When you have finished editing the cell, review all of your choices making changes if necessary. Then click Save Changes to save your work. Or, to exit without saving, click Cancel.
  15. To set up other cells in the matrix, repeat steps 3-15.

Step III: Previewing and Publishing the Matrix

Publishing a matrix makes it available for use by site participants. Publishing is a two-step process. The first step is to place the matrix in "preview" mode, which makes it available for testing purposes only. Once you are satisfied that the matrix is working properly, it can be published.

To preview and publish a matrix, open the Matrices tool and follow these steps:

  1. If the Matrices home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
  2. Locate the matrix in the list.
  3. If the matrix is unpublished, a Preview link appears to the right of the matrix name. Click Preview to place the matrix in preview mode. The matrix is now available to all site members for testing. All user data added to or created in the matrix while it is in preview mode will be removed when the matrix is published.
  4. If the matrix is in preview mode, a Publish link appears to the right of matrix name. Click Publish to purge all test data and begin using the matrix for its intended purpose.

Exporting and Importing

There may be situations in which you want to make a copy of a matrix for use in the same site as the original or in another site. To do so, you first export the wizard to your desktop as a .zip archive and then import into the site where you plan to use it. After the matrix is imported, you can edit the structure and contents as needed, following the instructions under Changing a Matrix.

To export a matrix as a .zip archive file, open the Matrices tool and follow these steps:

  1. If the Matrices home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
  2. Find the matrix you want to export.
  3. Click the Export link next to the name of the matrix. You'll see a Save dialog box.
  4. Save the file to the desired location on your local storage device. Do not attempt to edit the contents of this file if you plan to import it.

Importing a Matrix

To import an exported matrix, go to the site where the matrix will be imported and follow these steps:

  1. Upload the exported matrix (i.e., the .zip file) to Resources.
  2. Open the Matrices tool. If the Matrices menu is not displayed at the top of the page, click the Reset button.
  3. Click the Import button in the Matrices menu. Sakai displays the Import Scaffolding screen.
  4. Click Choose File. Sakai displays the Add Attachment screen.
  5. Locate the .zip file you uploaded in step 1 and click the Select link in the Actions column.
  6. Click Continue at the bottom of the page to return to the Import Scaffolding screen.
  7. Click Import to import the file and open the matrix for editing.
  8. Edit the Matrix Properties page as needed. You can add, delete, or move rows and change any of the settings on the page.
  9. When you are finished editing the structure and settings of the imported matrix, review all of your choices making changes if necessary. Then click Save Changes to save your work.
  10. Sakai displays the Edit Matrix screen where you can edit the content of each cell, if needed.
  11. To return to the Matrices home page, click Return to List.

Changing a Matrix

If you have not yet published a matrix, you may change any part of it. Preview mode allows you to test out the matrix and still change any part of it. Once published, you are limited in what you can change.

To revise a matrix, open the Matrices tool and follow these steps:

  1. If the Matrices home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
  2. Find the matrix you want to change and click the Edit link next to its name. Sakai displays the Edit Matrix screen.
  3. In the Matrices menu near the top of the screen, click Edit Properties. Sakai displays the Edit Matrix Properties screen.
  4. Scroll to the Structure section on the page.
  5. To change the name or colors of a column or row, click the Edit link next to its name and proceed as instructed in Creating a Matrix.
  6. To remove a column or row, click the Remove link next to its name. Sakai displays the Remove Column (or Remove Row) window. To proceed, click Continue. Sakai deletes the column (or row) and returns to the Edit Matrix screen [Note: You cannot remove rows or columns after the matrix has been published.]
  7. To move a row or column, use the Up and Down links next to the column or row name. Clicking Up moves the corresponding column one position to the left and Down moves it one column to the right. The Up and Down links work as expected for rows.
  8. To change other selections and entries on this page, proceed as instructed in Creating a Matrix.
  9. When you have finished changing your matrix, review all of your choices making changes if necessary. Then click Save Changes to save your work. Or, to exit without adding a new matrix, click Cancel.

Deleting a Matrix

Although it is possible to delete a portfolio matrix from the Matrices tool, exercise extreme caution when doing so. Deleting a published matrix removes all associations with uploaded files, reflections, feedback, evaluations, and reports and cannot be undone.

To delete a matrix:

  1. From the menubar of the worksite containing the matrix you wish to delete, open the Matrices tool.
  2. If the Matrices home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
  3. On the Matrices home page, locate the matrix you wish to delete, and click Delete. [Note: If there are several matrices with the same name and you are uncertain about which one to delete, open and/or edit each matrix to look for clues (e.g., the presence of uploaded files and reflections, completed evaluations, and feedback forms.]
  4. You will be asked to confirm your action. Click Continue to confirm and return to the Matrices home page. Or, to exit without deleting the matrix, click Cancel.

Changing Permissions

To change the default permissions for the Matrices tool, open the tool and follow these steps:

  1. If the Matrices menu is not displayed at the top of the page, click the Reset button.
  2. Click the Permissions button on the menu. Sakai displays the Permissions screen.
  3. Referring to the table below, check boxes to select the appropriate permissions for users in each role.




    Users in this role may access their own matrices and use them to add content (files, forms, links to web pages, etc.) and reflect on their work.


    Users in this role may create new matrices and import existing matrices for use by themselves and/or site participants.


    Users in this role may publish matrices for use by site participants.


    Users in this role may export a matrix to their desktops as a compressed .zip archive.


    Users in this role may review other users work in progress and offer formative feedback on it


    Users in this role may review other users finished work and evaluate it.

  4. To save the permissions settings, click Save. Sakai saves the settings and displays the Matrices home page. Or, to return to that screen without saving your changes, click Cancel.

Changing the Status of a Matrix Cell

The CIG Coordinator can reset the status of any cell for one user or all users, regardless of the previous status of the cell. This feature is helpful when a user takes an action resulting in a change of cell status that needs to be undone. For example, a student accidentally submits a cell before completing a required reflection. The cell is now in "Pending" status, which is read-only, so the student is unable to add the reflection. In such cases, the CIG Coordinator can intervene and reset the status of the cell. To change the status of a matrix cell, follow these steps:

  1. If the Matrices home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
  2. Find the matrix with which you wish to work. Sakai displays the selected matrix.
  3. In the upper left corner of the screen, a drop-down list of users is displayed. Select the user whose cell status you wish to change. [Note: If the site contains multiple groups, you may see also a Select group drop-down list. Use this menu to restrict the list of users to a specific group. This can be helpful if the site contains a large number of users.]
  4. Sakai displays a read-only copy of the matrix for the user you specified. Verify that you are viewing the correct participant's matrix before proceeding (immediately above the username drop-down menu, the name of the participant should appear in a message like 'View "PUL Matrix" (READ ONLY): Firstname Lastname').
  5. In the upper left corner under "Matrices", click Manage Status.
  6. From the drop-down menu next to "Change Status to", choose Ready, Pending, Complete, or Locked.
  7. Choose the appropriate radio button:
    • For this user only
    • For all users [Note: Exercise extreme caution when selecting For all users. This option should be used only in rare cases when an evaluator or the CIG Coordinator has made a mistake affecting all users.]
  8. Click Continue to change the status and return to the matrix cell, or click Cancel to return to the matrix cell without changing the status.
  9. Click Back to the Matrix, and verify the cell's status by checking its color.

Accessing and Completing a Matrix

A matrix is a table of columns and rows that contains a customized collection of instructions, forms, files, and other materials. The purpose of these materials is to guide you through a series of learning activities. These activities may take place over a long period of time. Therefore, you may need to access a matrix many times in order to complete it.

The intersection of each matrix row and column is called a cell. The process of completing a cell begins with opening the cell and reading the instructions you find there. The instructions will tell you what you need to do in the cell. Once you have completed your portion of the cell, you may be asked to submit it it for evaluation. Along the way, you may also receive formative feedback. Detailed instructions are provided below:

Accessing the Matrix

To access a matrix and work in one or more of its cells, open the Matrices tool and follow these steps:

  1. Go to the site in which the matrix is located (your instructor or the person facilitating the portfolio activity will provide you with site name).
  2. Click Matrices in the menubar to open the Matrices tool.
  3. If the Matrices home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
  4. Click the name of the matrix with which you wish work. Sakai displays your copy of the selected matrix. The name of the matrix is shown in the upper left corner of the table. Within each cell are instructions for you to follow in order to complete a specific task or demonstrate competence in a particular area.
  5. As shown in the legend beneath the table, each cell is color coded to indicate its status.
    • Ready: This cell is available for you to work on.
    • Pending: You have submitted your work in this cell for evaluation.
    • Completed: You have received an evaluation of your work in this cell and are not required to perform any additional work.
    • Locked: This cell is not yet available for you to work on.
  6. The row and column labels in the matrix may be hyperlinks. If so, moving your mouse over the label displays a short description of the purpose of the cell. To see a longer description, click the title of the column or row.
  7. To open and work in a cell, click it.
  8. Read the instructions and other guidance at the top of the page carefully. To open an attachment in the guidance, click the file name of the attachment.
  9. Depending on the makeup of the cell and the progress you have made on it to date, choose any or all of the following:
  10. To return to the matrix at any time, click the Back to the Matrix button. Sakai displays the matrix.

Adding Forms

Forms are the electronic counterparts to paper forms, such as those you fill out to submit applications, complete surveys, and so on. Each form consists of a name, instructions to the user, and a set of custom data entry fields with descriptive labels. If the matrix cell contains forms for you to complete, they will be listed at the top of the Evidence area of the cell. Each form has two links: "Add Form name" and "Select Form name".

To add a copy of the form to the cell:

  1. Click the Add form name link.
  2. When the form opens, read the instructions at the top of the form (if provided) and enter the requested information.
  3. When you are finished, click Save Changes to return to the matrix cell.

You may also select a previously completed copy of the same form and add it to the cell. To do so:

  1. Click the Select form name link. Sakai displays the Add Attachment screen and the contents in your My Workspace Resources folder.
  2. All or almost all of your forms are saved in the Portfolio Interaction folder by default. Beneath Portfolio Interactions is a folder for each portfolio site in while you are a member. Each site folder contains subfolders for each matrix or wizard in the site and beneath these folders are separate folders for each form type used in the matrix or wizard. Browse to the location where the desired form is stored and click the Select link to the right of the form you wish to use. (Note: The Select link only appears next to saved form instances that were created with the same data entry form used in the cell).
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Continue to return to the matrix cell.
  4. The selected form should now appear in the Evidence area of the cell.

Attaching Examples of Your Work

You may attach samples of your work that have been uploaded to or created in My Workspace Resources. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. If you have not done so already, upload or create the items you plan to attach in the Resources tool in My Workspace.
  2. In the Evidence section of the page, click Add Other Evidence. Sakai displays the contents in your My Workspace Resources folder.
  3. Locate the item(s) you want to attach and click Select to the right of each item's name. The selected items are listed at the top of the page under Items to Attach.
  4. When you have selected all your attachments, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Continue to return to the matrix cell.
  5. The items you selected should now appear in the Evidence area of the cell.

Reflecting on Your Work

The instructions in the cell may ask you to write a reflection about what you've learned. To enter a reflection about your work, follow these steps:

  1. In the Reflection area of the cell, click Complete Reflection. Sakai displays a reflection form.
  2. Read the instructions at the top of the form (if provided) and complete the form.
  3. When you are finished, click Save Changes to return to the matrix cell.

Revising Your Work

Before submitting your work in a cell, you may revise any of the content you have added, as described below.

  • To revise a form in the Evidence or Reflection area of the page:
    1. Click the Edit link next to its name.
    2. Make the desired changes.
    3. Click Save Changes to return to the matrix cell.
  • To revise an attachment:
    1. If you have not already done so, edit or upload the revised file(s) to My Workspace Resources.
    2. In the Evidence section of the page, click Add/Drop Other Evidence. Sakai displays the contents in your My Workspace Resources folder.
    3. Under Items to Attach, remove the item(s) you wish to replace with revised version(s).
    4. Locate the revised item(s) and click Select to the right of their names. The selected items are listed at the top of the page under Items to Attach.
    5. When you have selected all your attachments, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Continue to return to the matrix cell.
    6. The revised items you selected should now appear in the Evidence area of the cell.

Deleting Forms and Attached Work

Sakai displays a Remove link next to the name of each form and item you have added to a cell. To delete any of these items, simply click the corresponding Remove link. Sakai deletes the item immediately.

Caution: Sakai does not require a confirmation before deleting attachments and forms. Take your time and think carefully before deleting items.

Submitting Your Work for Evaluation

When you have completed your work in a cell, you may be expected to submit it for evaluation.

Caution: After you submit a cell for evaluation, you can no longer make changes to it. Make sure all of your work is complete and ready for review before you submit the cell.

To submit a matrix cell, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Submit for Evaluation confirmation button in the Reflection area of the page. Sakai displays a screen asking you to confirm.
  2. To confirm your submission, click Submit. Or, to cancel the submission process and return to the screen for this cell, click Cancel.
  3. If you clicked Submit, Sakai submits your work for evaluation and returns to the cell displaying this message: "Status is pending and cannot be altered".
  4. Return to the matrix by clicking Back to the Matrix.
  5. Notice that the cell color corresponds to the pending status (consult the legend below the matrix). After a cell has been evaluated, the evaluator sets the status Ready or Completed. Cells that are returned to the "ready" status require you to perform additional work and resubmit. The Completed status indicates that your work in the cell is finished -- you can view it along with the feedback and evaluation provided to you, but you cannot change it.

Viewing Feedback on Your Work

One or more members of the site may be assigned to review matrix cells and provide feedback on the work done in them by site participants. If feedback has been offered for one of your matrix cells, you will notice one or more completed feedback forms in the cell. To read the feedback you have received, follow these steps:

  1. Feedback may appear in In the Feedback section of the page or beneath completed forms and attachments.
  2. To read the feedback, click the title of the feedback form. Sakai displays the feedback in a new tab or window.
  3. After reading the feedback, close the tab or window.

Providing Formative Feedback

If you are a Reviewer or have the Review permission, you may examine the contents of a participant's matrix at any time and offer formative feedback on the work you find there. You may also return to a cell you have reviewed before, review any further work that has been done there, and provide additional feedback. To review and provide feedback on a matrix, open the Matrices tool and follow these steps:

  1. If the Matrices home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
  2. Find the matrix you want to review and click its name. Sakai displays the selected matrix. In the upper left corner of the screen, a drop-down list of users is displayed. Select the user to whom you wish to give feedback.  [Note: If the site contains multiple groups, you may see also a Select group dropdown list. Use this menu to restrict the list of users to a specific group. This can be helpful if the site contains a large number of users.]
  3. Sakai displays a read-only copy of the matrix for the user you specified. Verify that you are viewing the correct participant's matrix before proceeding (immediately above the username drop-down menu, the name of the participant should appear in a message like 'View "PUL Matrix" (READ ONLY): Firstname Lastname').
  4. Icons in a cell indicate that the user has attached material to it. The background color of a cell indicates its status.
  5. Click on a cell to open it and review its contents.
  6. Click the names of any forms, items, and reflections to open and review them.
  7. To provide general feedback, click Add Feedback in the "General Feedback" area to open the Feedback form. To offer feedback on a specific item in the "Items" area, click Add Feedback next to the item to open the Feedback form for that item.
  8. Fill in the form according to any instructions given in it. You may type your feedback directly into the text box or copy and paste text from another document.
  9. When you have completed the feedback form, click Save Changes to return to the matrix cell. Or, to return to the matrix cell without saving your changes, click Cancel.
  10. To return to the matrix display, click Back to the Matrix.

Adding an Evaluation

Evaluators can use either the Matrices tool or the Evaluations tool to add an evaluation to a matrix cell.  To add an evaluation using the Matrices tool, follow these steps:

  1. If the Matrices home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
  2. Find the matrix you want to evaluate and click its name. Sakai displays the selected matrix. In the upper left corner of the screen, a drop-down list of users is displayed. Select the user to whom you wish to give feedback. [Note: If the site contains multiple groups, you may see also a Select group drop-down list. Use this menu to restrict the list of users to a specific group. This can be helpful if the site contains a large number of users).
  3. Sakai displays a read-only copy of the matrix for the user you specified. Verify that you are viewing the correct participant's matrix before proceeding (immediately above the username drop-down menu, the name of the participant should appear in a message like 'View "PUL Matrix" (READ ONLY): Firstname Lastname'.)
  4. Icons in a cell indicate that the user has attached material to it. Cells color-coded as "Pending" are ready for evaluation.
  5. Click on a pending cell to open it and review its contents.
  6. Click the names of any forms, items, and reflections to open and review them.
  7. In the Evaluations area, click Add. Fill in the form according to any instructions given in it. You may be asked to fill in required fields, submit a grade or rating, and add a comment. You may type your comments directly into the text box or copy and paste text from another document.
  8. When you are finished filling in the Evaluation form, click Save Changes. To exit without saving your evaluation, click Cancel.
  9. After saving your changes, you will be prompted to choose one of the following workflow options:
    • Set Status to "Complete": Choose this option if no further work is required and the evaluation process is complete. The Items, Reflections, and Evaluations areas of the cell will be locked.
    • No Changes to Status: Choose this option if you or other evaluators will be adding further evaluations to the cell.
    • Set Status to "Ready": Choose this option to unlock the Evidence and Reflections areas of the cell, so the student can edit, delete, or add attachments, forms, and reflections.
  10. Choose the appropriate radio button, and then click Submit.
  11. You will be returned to the cell in which you were working. Click Back to the Matrix to return to the matrix.

To add an evaluation using the Evaluations tool, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Evaluations tool from the left hand menubar. If the home page of the Evaluations tool is not displayed, click the Reset button.
  2. The Manage Evaluations screen will display with a list of matrix cells or wizard pages that have been submitted for evaluation. You will only see cells or pages you have permission to evaluate.
  3. Click the title of a cell or page pending evaluation to open it and review its contents.
  4. Click the names of any forms, items, and reflections to open and review them.
  5. In the Evaluations area, click Add. Fill in the form according to any instructions given in it. You may be asked to fill in required fields, submit a grade or rating, and add a comment. You may type your comments directly into the text box or copy and paste text from another document.
  6. When you are finished filling in the Evaluation form, click Save Changes. To exit without saving your evaluation, click Cancel.
  7. After saving your changes, you will be prompted to choose one of the following workflow options:
    • Set Status to "Complete": Choose this option if no further work is required and the evaluation process is complete. The Items, Reflections, and Evaluations areas of the cell will be locked.
    • No Changes to Status: Choose this option if you or other evaluators will be adding further evaluations to the cell.
    • Set Status to "Ready": Choose this option to unlock the Evidence and Reflections areas of the cell, so the student can edit, delete, or add attachments, forms, and reflections.
  8. Choose the appropriate radio button, and then click Submit.
  9. You will be returned to the cell in which you were working. Click Back to Evaluations to return to the Evaluations tool.

Accessing All of Your Matrices from My Workspace
When the Matrices tool is added to My Workspace, it displays a list of all of the matrices to which you have access. Using this tool, you can open any matrix in the list without visiting the site in which the matrix is located. To turn on the Matrices tool in My Workspace, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Site Info tool.
  2. Click on the Page Order link located on the Site Info menu bar.
  3. Click on the Add page(s) to your site link located on the Site Info menu bar.
  4. Check the box next to the Matrices tool.
  5. Verify that the Matrices tool has been added and is in your preferred page order.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. Once the Matrices tool has been added to your My Workspace, click Matrices to see all of the matrices to which you have access.
  8. To work with a matrix in the list, click its title.

[Note: Different institutions may or may not enable the Matrices tool in My Workspace. If the Matrices tool has not been enabled in My Workspace, if Site Info is not a tool in My Workspace, or if the Matrices tool does not appear under Edit Tools in My Workspace > Site Info, then you will need to ask your system admin to modify the template for your My Workspace site. Additionally, the Matrices tool by default only appears in My Workspace for maintain-level users.]