Tool Status
Tool Status
- Core/Provisional/Contrib Promotions and Guidelines/Criteria (Peter)
- Start using "Supported" instead of "Core"?
- Criteria for Supported Status document (Mark)
- How to treat a major re-write of an existing Core tool, (e.g., Chat in 2.4)
- Deprecating Projects
- deprecation procedure
- Core to Provisional or to Contrib? (e.g., Chat in 2.4, perhaps Discussion in 2.5)
- What does "run in production" mean to everyone?
- Should we encourage running in production by shipping with all Provisional tools enabled, but with a list of known issues to help folks decide what to turn off?
- Tools versus Services; handle the same or differently
- What is a good alternate path and criteria for Services?
- Can we split project summary tables into tools and services? This would "hide" many of the rows that are confusing to end-users who only want to know about tools.
John L added
- Should there be an item on the checklist for tools moving from provisional to core that includes permission handling consistent with other tools in Sakai? Some tools have a permission page, some don't, some were setting them in properties, etc.
- Should there be a requirement that ongoing setup/config be via a UI or as opposed to requiring sql to load db tables, after the initial install? E.g., term info.
Strawman Proposals
- Replace references to "Core" in the tool status levels (Core/Provisional/Contrib) with "Supported".