Sakai 3 Participation

This page contains information about Sakai 3 with an emphasis on project coordination.

Participating in Sakai Open Academic Environment (OAE) (formerly called Sakai 3)

Please study the information on participation and contributing to the managed Sakai OAE project that will deliver Sakai OAE 1.0 by the end of June 2011.

Sakai OAE Projects

The managed Sakai OAE project  will deliver Sakai OAE by the end of June 2011.

It is based on:

  • K2 - The kernel for Sakai OAE. K2 is based on Apache Sling and incorporates other open source, open standard projects like Shindig (an OpenSocial implementation) and JAX-RS (a jsr311 implementation for RESTful web services). For more information please visit:
  • 3akai -- The basic dashboard and group collaboration functionality.  See the 3akai Google Group for some information on this project. Recent development work may be found on the development server (warning, this may not be reliably up an running as active development is happening).

The following is a list of Sakai OAE activities (add label sakai3project to your page to be included).