Apereo Fellows

Apereo Foundation Fellows Program

Program Goals

The purpose of the Apereo Foundation Fellows Program is to acknowledge, celebrate and reward the contributions of these important Apereo volunteer contributors. The Apereo Fellows program seeks to foster community leadership and contribution through recognizing and supporting active contributors. Contributors bring varied expertise to the community, including architecture, design and development of technology, best practices in teaching, learning, research and collaboration, and coordination of community functions. The Apereo Fellows program recognizes such contributions and supports the efforts of the Fellows through a modest stipend.

Fellows Program

Six Fellows will be chosen annually for a one-year term. Fellows will be awarded a $2,500.00 (USD) stipend for the year with the intention that the stipend be used in Apereo-related activities, e.g., travel, equipment and professional development. The fellowships will run from Summer conference to Summer conference. The idea is that new fellows will be announced at the conference.

Prospective Apereo Fellows may be nominated by anyone within the Apereo Community or may self-nominate. The nominations should be merit-based, describing how the candidate has contributed in one of the many areas of importance to the Apereo community, including code development, pedagogy, evangelism, technology and interface design, conference development, interoperability, functional expertise, or community leadership. The focus of the nomination should be on what the Fellow has accomplished in the community already, and what he or she proposes to accomplish during the fellowship period. Past contribution isn't absolutely required, but is often a good indicator of future engagement. Fellows are not required to be based at a Apereo Foundation participating institution. This is to assure that the Fellows Program recognizes individual contributors. A letter of support from the Fellow's institution is desired to assure that the person will receive support for these activities during their Fellowship tenure.

Apereo Fellows will be selected by a small committee of Apereo community members. A member of the Apereo Board of Directors will sit on the committee as a liaison to the Board, and to facilitate any funding or policy discussions with the Board.

During their tenure, Fellows will be asked to speak at Apereo conferences, and will have their work featured on the Apereo website and through other channels of Apereo outreach and education. Fellows who wish to publish or offer white papers on their activities are encouraged to do so. Such whitepapers will be prominently displayed.

The activities of the Fellows will be largely self-directed, although the Foundation Executive Director and/or Foundation staff will help coordinate Fellows' activities and help with twice-yearly report-outs of their activities.

Commercial and/or foundation support for this program will be considered. Initial support will come from the Apereo Foundation.

Apereo Fellows

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2016 Apereo Fellows

Matt Clare, Centre for Pedagogical Innovation at Brock University
Wilma Hodges, Longsight
Brian Jones, Western University
José Mariano Luján, University of Murcia
Jacques Raynauld, HEC Montreal
Charles Severance, University of Michigan

2015 Apereo Fellows

Alexandre Ballesté, Universidad de Lleida, Sakai
Simon Gaeremynck, Fronteer, OAE
Gao Jun, Fudan University, Sakai
Lars Kiesow, ELAN e.V./University of Osnabrück, OpenCast
Tim Levett, University of Wisconsin, uPortal
Earle Nietzel, Scriba, Sakai

2014 Apereo Fellows

Diego del Blanco Orobitg, Asahi NET International, Sakai
Bryan Holladay, Longsight, Sakai
Juan José Meroño, University of Murcia, Sakai
Branden Visser, Research Research, OAE
Anthony Whyte, University of Michigan, Sakai
Drew Wills, Unicon, uPortal

2013 Apereo Fellows


Arlen Johnson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Bedework
Andrew Petro, Unicon Inc, uPortal
Eric Dalquist, University of Wisconsin - Madison, uPortal
Laura McCord, University of California Merced, Apereo
Charles Hedrick, Rutgers University, Sakai
Matthew Jones, Longsight, Sakai
Bert Pareyn, University of Cambridge, OAE
Alan Regan, Pepperdine University, Sakai

2012 Sakai Fellows

Lucy Appert, New York University
Chris Maurer, Indiana University
Sam Ottenhoff, Longsight Group
Sam Peck, Sakai OAE Project
Lance Speelmon, rSmart
Lynn Ward, Indiana University

2011 Sakai Fellows

Rob Coyle, Johns Hopkins University
Carl Hall, Hallway Technologies
David Roldán Martínez, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Megan May, Indiana University
Zhen Qian, University of Michigan
Brian Richwine, Indiana University

2010 Sakai Fellows

Nate Angell, rSmart
Matthew Buckett, Oxford University
David Goodrum, Indiana University
Former user (Deleted), University of Cape Town
Steve Lonn, University of Michigan
Former user (Deleted), University of Michigan

2009 Sakai Fellows

Former user (Deleted), University of Cambridge
Former user (Deleted), Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Former user (Deleted), University of Cambridge
Former user (Deleted), University of Delaware
Former user (Deleted), Three Canoes LLC
Former user (Deleted), Lancaster University

2008 Sakai Fellows

Alan Berg, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Nuno Fernandes, Universidade Fernando Pessoa
Former user (Deleted), University of Cape Town
Beth Kirschner, University of Michigan
Maggie Lynch, Oregon Health & Science University
Stephen Marquard, University of Cape Town

2006-07 Sakai Fellows

Former user (Deleted), University of Cambridge
John Ellis, rSmart
Clay Fenlason, Boston University
Steven Githens, Northwestern University
Zach Thomas, Texas State
Seth Theriault, Columbia University
Johan van der Berg, UNISA
Aaron Zeckoski, Virginia Tech

Fellows Selection Committee, nomination process, schedules, rules

2013 Apereo Sakai Fellows Program
2012 Sakai Fellows Program
2011 Sakai Fellows Program
2010 Sakai Fellows Program
2009 Sakai Fellows Program
2008 Sakai Fellows Program