Denver 2010 Project Coordination

Time and Location

Project Coordination sessions will run from 9am - 4pm on Sunday, June 13, and start in Grand Mesa A (2nd floor). There will be coffee in the morning and boxed lunches at noon.

On Friday the sessions will run from 9am - 2pm, and will start in Grand Mesa A (1st floor). There will again be coffee and boxed lunches.

There will be rooms reserved for Project Coordination Meetings bracketing the 2010 conference in Denver: on Sunday, June 13 and Friday, June 18. These will be working meetings focused on the planning and coordination of Sakai development work.

We are also prepared to help make windows of time and space for smaller working meetings on Monday and Thursday, where they will be useful or where travel schedules may interfere with the other two days.

Specific Goals

  1. To have a clear 2.8 release plan proposal (with scope, resource plan, calendar, etc.) available for public comment by the end of the conference
  2. To acquire clear institutional commitment of resource to deliver on this plan (and if adequate resource cannot be recruited, to alter the plan accordingly)
  3. To achieve (1) and (2) for Sakai 3 as well


  1. Things don't get decided at the project coordination meetings, they get worked up into proposals to go on-list. No one should feel that they have to attend a particular project coordination session in order to have a voice on a given topic. We just use the sessions to make rapid, f2f progress toward concrete proposals that include a diversity of perspectives. They are not the last word.
  2. The sessions are meant to be working meetings that make progress toward some practical consensus. Debate that is not leading that direction may be tabled or directed elsewhere.
  3. In order to keep the sessions productive, a certain baseline of familiarity with Sakai and its processes - the kind possessed by those active in Sakai development and its release processes - is assumed. Those new to Sakai may find it hard to follow along, and other sessions throughout the conference (especially the orientation sessions on Monday) may be more appropriate.


Specific Agenda TBD

A more detailed agenda will emerge in discussion with working groups in the weeks leading up to the conference. A number of these sessions should be organized and led by particular working groups.

  1. 2.x planning
    • Maintenance team
    • Functional scope: feature additions, deprecations, etc.
    • Security
    • QA resource planning
  2. Sakai 3 project planning
    • Roadmap and project plan
    • Front-end development coordination
    • Nakamura coordination
    • Deployment strategies (whether migration or otherwise)
    • Sharing and coordinating parallel and/or satellite projects


If you are thinking about attending, please add your information below.

Likelihood you Will Attend: (tick) = 100%




What you will want to work on



Available Monday or Thursday? Please comment


Former user (Deleted)

Sakai Foundation

2.8 release and S3 project planning, and anything else I'd be helpful for



I'm committed to meetings on Monday, but can be available Thursday afternoon.


Michael Feldstein


Preference for S3, but wherever I'd be useful



Sunday afternoon for sure; possibly an hour or two on Friday before flight; Thursday is also open.


Former user (Deleted)


2.8 planning, maint team



Not available Mon or Thurs


Former user (Deleted)


2.8 planning, maint team





Former user (Deleted)


2.x committee (release sub-committees, projects status ...), i18n





Former user (Deleted)

Indiana University / Sakai Foundation

Entity Picker (more support in tools, revisit UX), 2.8 Hybrid code, S3



Monday: yes. Thursday: afternoon only.


Former user (Deleted)

U.C. Berkeley

S3 front-end dev



Monday: yes, Thursday, yes


Former user (Deleted)

U.C. Berkeley

S3 dev



Monday: no, Thursday, afternoon only


Former user (Deleted)

Georgia Tech

S3 dev/qa





Former user (Deleted)

Hallway Tech / NYU

S3 dev



Monday: afternoon only, Thursday: yes


Former user (Deleted)

UC Berkeley

S3 design & planning



Can be available Thursday afternoon and Friday most the day


Former user (Deleted)





Monday: Yes, Thursday: after closing sessions, Yes


Former user (Deleted)


2.8 release and S3 project planning, and anything else I'd be helpful for



Monday: Yes, Thursday: after closing sessions, Yes


Former user (Deleted)

Marist College

S3 design from a teaching and learning perspective



Monday morning is a possibility as is Thursday after the close of the conf.


Former user (Deleted)

Indiana University

S2, S3 and Hybrid targets, planning, and coordination. S3 design from a teaching and learning perspective



Monday: Afternoon. Thursday: Yes.


Lynn Ward

Indiana University

S2, S3 and Hybrid targets, planning, and coordination. S3 design from a teaching and learning perspective



Monday: afternoon only; Thursday: after 2:30pm.


Jacques Raynauld

HEC Montréal

S2 2.8, Open Syllabus, Entity Picker, S3 (including structured pages and guided portfolios)



Monday, Thursday and Friday Morning


Kirk Alexander

UC Davis

2.8, S3, Gradebook 2 and independent release strategies



Monday, Thursday, Friday morning


Lydia Li

Stanford University

2.8, S2/S3 hybrid mode



Monday, Thursday, Friday morning


Former user (Deleted)

UC Berkeley

S3 project planning



Monday, Thursday afternoons


Former user (Deleted)

Indiana University

Project Planning and coordination.   2.X (particularly A2 roadmap), S2/S3 hybrid mode, Entity Picker, S3 plans regarding assessment



Available Monday and Thursday afternoon


Former user (Deleted)

Indiana University

Project Planning and coordination



Possibly available Monday and Thursday afternoon


Former user (Deleted)

Indiana University

Project Planning and coordination.   2.X (particularly A2 roadmap), S2/S3 hybrid mode, Entity Picker, S3 plans regarding assessment 



Can be available Monday and Thursday afternoon


Former user (Deleted)

Indiana University 

Project Planning and coordination.   2.X (particularly A2 roadmap), S2/S3 hybrid mode, Entity Picker, S3 plans regarding assessment 



Can be available Monday and Thursday afternoon 


Former user (Deleted)

Columbia University

2.8, maint team, security



Monday: yes, Thursday, yes


Former user (Deleted)

Stanford University

2.8 release and S3 project planning



Monday: yes, Thursday, yes


Keli Amann

Stanford University

S3 project planning



Monday: afternoon, Thurs, yes


Former user (Deleted)

University of Cape Town

S2 and S3



Yes except if overlap with Board meetings


Former user (Deleted)

Aeroplane Software / NYU




Monday: no, Thurs: yes


Former user (Deleted)

Sakai Foundation

S2 (2.8, 2.7.1, 2.6.3) maintenance team, security, release management, indie release strategies/review, infrastructure support



I'm committed to meetings on Monday


Former user (Deleted)

University of Michigan




Available Mon/Thurs, depending on emergent obligations


Former user (Deleted)

Sakai Foundation

QA, automation, process improvement



Available Mon/Thurs, depending on emergent obligations


Former user (Deleted)

University of Cape Town

S2.x, S3 dev



Thursady: Only after Course Evaluations BoF


Former user (Deleted)

University of Cambridge - CARET

S3 front-end dev



Available on Thursday as well


Former user (Deleted)

Nagoya University (Japan)

i18 and l10n for S2 and S3



Available Monday and Thursday, depending
on subjects


Philip Uys

Charles Sturt University, Australia 

Sakai 3 design, planning and development



also available Monday afternoon and Thursday afternoon (pending meeting of the T&L Group)


David Haines

University of Michigan

Sakai 3 and Sakai 2





John Norman


Mostly Sakai 3





Matt Morton-Allen

Charles Sturt University, Australia

Sakai 3 planning





Yoshihiro Ohta

Nagoya University (Japan)

i18 and l10n for S2 and S3



Available Monday and Thursday, depending
on subjects


Raul & David

Universidad Politecnica Valencia (Spainn)

i18 and l10n for S2 and S3

