Atlanta Project Coordination Meeting 8-9 December 2006

Atlanta Project Coordination Meeting 8-9 December 2006

Atlanta, GA
2pm 12/8/06 - 1pm 12/9/06
(Thanks to note-takers: Megan May and Lisa Wilson!)

Group Introductions and Update or Interest in Session

Name & Institution

Update or interest in session

Megan May, Indiana U/SakaiQA

early QA possible on select components of software package. Like to explore this possibility.

James Renfro & Jon Gorrono, Davis


Antraig Basman, Cambridge

assisting designers in Sakai w/RSF

Anthony Whyte, UNISA

IMS and operatibility for 2.4

John Leasia, UMich

Assignments improvements for 2.4: check box to allow a resubmit all setting at the assignment level, accounting for non-electronic submissions, upload all feature, confirmation email for submission by student and notification option to instructor upon receipt of submission.
Also others are looking at integration of Goal Management tool and TurnItIn. Capetown can speak more about TurnItIn.
Chat - improve paging as many of us are aware its causing memory problems.
Site Search tool - get it fixed so it's usable for large institutions, which ave problems because of large numbers of sites, but that deals with some of the underlying architecture

Chris Coppola, rSmart

Working on new tool- virtual conference web technology. OSP - long list here

John Ellis, rsmart

OSP goal management tool integration, decoupling forms from Resources, OSP portal changes w/Ian, running pre-defined reports against system

Mark Norton, Unicon

2.4 --> 2.5 migration, IMS CP/Common Cartridge for migration group, View Mapping Tool via content hosting service, best practices for integration group, also been charged with making changes to presentation tool so it's of more value to community

Ian Boston, Cambridge

Don't expect a lot of changes in wiki & Search tools.
Interested in base message service

Soo Kim, Boston U

Working on Mail tool for inclusion in 2.4. Doing a lot of work with Steve G.

Jim Eng, UMich

Content lead; working on arriving at plan for better security around attachments. logging actions done w/references, content hosting handlers, Resource Viewer as prov. tool or helper, versioning history feature (2.5), JSR 170 for content hosting req. db refactoring for 2.4, usability study

Collin Clark, Toronto

Just getting started - lead developer on Fluid; transformable project (v2.5?). Would like us to explore removal of last iframe

Wendy Morgaine, Portland

Here about OSP. Interesting in long standing desire that have assignemnet that students create live in the resources tool

Michelle Peet, UMich

OSP project lead, working primarily on UI fixes and updates for 2.4, integrating reports for goal mgmt, bringing in external resources for faculty. 2.5 deep need of ipod view of resources. She's looking to raise $ as well

Ken ?, ?

Works in user support. Here to learn about what's going on

Vivie Sinou, Foothill

Considering adding Jforum in as a provisional tool for 2.4, but may have to wait for 2.5 due to resource constraints.

Glenn Golden, UMich/Sakai Architect

improving assessment delivery and performance. Hope to replace mail archive tool. May not make time frame - dependent on samigo work. framework of internal components for Sakai, wants eval of Spring 2.0 (Antranig volunteered), Java 1.5 for v2.4, tool portal

Josh Holtzman, Berkeley

Working on CMS - new api that allows an option for enterprise integration, membership user info and gradebook submission to external campus systems, section info tool. Little work planned on GB for now - deciding a GB rewrite as there is a big call. Thinking about consolidating group/section functionality into sectioning to take pressure of site info/site setup. NOTE: The old CMS api won't be in 2.4.

Steve Githens, Northwestern

Sash, "leading web base terminal shell" for Sakai; RSF implementation;
ImageQuiz tool - No plan to make it provisional, but will tag it. Just a prototype (time constraints)

David Horwitz, Capetown

Interested in localization of tool names, dynamic internationalization in help tool, migration of assignment tool, SMS/SMPP integration, various service handling of messaging

John Norman, Cambridge

Here to observe and learn about upcoming work.

Andrew Poland, Indiana U

With oncourse team; scalability

Hannah Reeves, rSmart

working on reporting; OSP integration. would love alt. to Worksite Setup tool

David Haines, UMich

SQL refactoring work. John L. asked is he was going to work on searching sites. David - oh that's easy

Joshua Ryan, ASU

News items in discussion tools, iTunes extensions, widget for mp3's, WYSIWYG preference chooser (use helper pattern?), OSP, Asked if anyone is working on user prefs. patch that allows relative references to resources. Page order expected to be in 2.4

John Bush, rSmart

SQL refactoring, WebCT migrations

Matthew Buckett, ?

Bit new - looking hierarchy stuff. Sakai and Boddington integration

Beth Kirshner, UMich

OSP w/RSmart improvements in integration, Make it kinder, friendly, flexible.
ical export of scheduler tool
internationalization group lead - impt to discuss with Amsterdam coming up

Yuji Tokiwa, (Hosei U - Japan)

Localization to Japanese

Shoji Kajita, (Nagoya U - Japan)

Internalization and localization to Japanese

Mike Elledge, Michigan State

Not a developer. Interested in discussing eliminating last IFrame, accessibility, transformable aspects for user-specified preferences, WYSIWYG test editor esp. for quizzing, QA process for accessibility. Like to talk about what it means to become provisional and define what the standard is (doesn't mean we have to change it)

Gonzalo Silvario, UMich

working on nitty gritty presentation layer. Pulling together some documentation to support this: library of plain old html objects

Chuck Severance, Sakai ED

Charon project - gateway sites, tool base permission button (logged in vs. anonymous access), JSR-168 mentoring, RSS version of portal, federated synoptic view

Lydia Li, Stanford

Samigo roject lead. For 2.4: email feature for instructor to respond to students (80% code in trunk), Sakai entity producer to transfer site-to-site in Site Info tool, improving import/export for attachments to use IMS CP, working w/CM team and CM Home tool to replace existing home tool, modifying existing site tool as new page in worksite setup. Glenn developing separate delivery tool that does not use hibernate or JSF

Lisa Wilson, UCDavis

Primary focus is making sure Samigo meets requirements for Question Pools and performance. Key area is export/import functionality. Imports of Respondus content is accurate

Kirk Alexander, UCDavis

Interested in CM at Berkeley, testing on Sakaibrary. Scorm and samigo.

Misc Notes

  • QUESTION: Any work going into hierarchical work? GLENN: No/Yes. People thinking about it, but no one actively working on it.
  • NOTE: JAVA 1.5 for 2.4
  • NOTE: The old CMS api won't be in 2.4.
  • Mentoring. Chuck ask if there were those willing to mentoring 1/2 time developer resources as he often hears fro CIO's that are willing to give a partial FTE. The answer was yes, there were.

Discussion Points

Next Meeting

  • Consensus on June 10-11 in Amsterdam prior to full conference

Sakai 2.2.x Branch Manager

  • Lance reports IU is moving to 2.3.x, so we need to find a new manager
  • No volunteers at meeting, need to send out call to find a new one (Peter)

Segregation of SQL

  • rSmart leading this project, Josh Holtzman Adding Hibernate notion of dialect
  • integrating into trunk w/o disrupting other development projects
  • issues w/table create scripts for initial population (HSQL,MySQL,Oracle) solutions?
  • refactoring the ddl is a separate issue; possible January start-time to meet goal of March 15
  • concurrent MS SQL Server implementation / refactoring; database naming standards
    • Mark requested that David H. write up some documentation on what has been done as a reference for developers.
  • Side discussion of possible IBM community contributions
    • Interest in adding PostgreSQL and dropping HSQL - still need memory db version?
    • db compatibility issues, stored procedures, join methods (vs. sub-queries)

Accessibility and the "last" iFrame

  • Argument - last iFrame is where tool lives, changing this violates our whole architecture design
  • reason for iFrame: independent, server-driven refresh; substitute w/AJAX?, accessibility issues?, Home tool often uses this multiple iFrames
  • do we need further usability research to determine the depth of this issue? Issue is with posting of form content, ie, non-committed post data will be lost
  • XHTML potential solution? Are controls keyboard accessible? Dynamic changes to DOM? Multiple scroll bar issues? What technology meets all these needs? Auto-refreshing tools, such as chat, wiki, other message tools want to be able to update w/o user interaction (server-side push technology). Figure out the long-term and make steps to meet it; back off to limit functionality and prepare to move forward when the capability is there.
  • We need to do a basic cost/benefit review to determine direction for iFrames in Sakai
  • Needs further consideration and input from community how to move forward. CSS and JavaScript compatibility for multiple tools? JSR-168 with portlets? Requires further feasibility investigation. Need to get technology in place - not in 2.4.


  • Almost done; likely to happen by 2.4
  • Ian Boston handling this
  • Josh Holtzman contributing for GB & Samigo


  • Issue: Tool name as it appears in Help documentation; requires changes to Help tool
  • extrapolating to other pages, i.e., being able to switch from one to another language.
  • Internationalize tool registration? Feature to allow user to enter page names against multiple locals? Who can work on this project?
  • Group in consensus on this problem. But group recognizes that this is high priority, low hanging fruit. However, there aren't sufficient resources.

Contributor Licensing Agreements/ECL 2.0

  • Making attempt for 2.4/2.5 to ensure we have clean code base and signed both organizational and individual developer CLA's.
  • Need to require 100% compliance - must have one from institution as well as individual
  • All 3rd party sw must be compatible w/our license to claim a high degree of compliance and all original code is licensed outbound under the CLA (Contributor License Agreement.)
  • Licensed non-exclusively in perpetuity to Sakai.

RSF 1.0 contrib/provisional/core/"new feature"

  • Is RSF ready to be used by community for tool development.
  • there is sakai specific code and generic rsf
  • where do we house the code? Cambridge's svn or Sakai's. use externals.
  • Mark mentioned documentation. Antraing will likely be working on a book.

QA prior to code freeze on specific tasks

  • Would like more some of the QA out of the official QA cycle as we ramp up to the release. With the change to the release cycle there is a lot of time in between qa cycles and there is the opportunity for focused testing to occur. Case in point - look at the Resources work that was done for 2.3. A majority of the work occurred ahead of time and when we got to the official release cycle
  • Given participation in this, we can see shift our focus during the release cycle to integration issues.
  • Developers are welcome to contact Megan; however she'll set a schedule and poll the community - "getting ready to build from rXXXX in X number of days. If you have work you are close to finishing, it'll be up on the QA servers and to let us know if we're green light for testing on your component."
  • QA1-UK and QA1-ZA can commit to doing 1 build a week.
  • Megan also requests that dev teams do not wait until the code freeze to do the majority of bug fixing. It's frustrating when the code is undergoing large amounts of change and this isn't the intent of a code freeze.

Tool Status Requirements and Enforcement

  • The criteria is very loosely defined (ie desirable elements)
    • Export/Import - specificies you participate in the process that you not do it.
  • We need to refine the documentation we currently have
  • Who will enforce? QA will incorporate evaluation in the process.
  • Core tools shouldn't use provisional API. Is that in the doc?
    • GB - some have the services, not the tool. What about this case. enterprise services
  • Chris C: lot's of inconsistency between tools and a lot of this can be attributed to the differing presentation technology. At some point we'll need to address this, but this isn't the time.
  • Mark and SCP will draft document; Megan will lead the initial audit
  • Some items are grandfathered; but anything new will have to adhere to new standards.

Migration Issues - changes to entity bus; import/export tool-based

  • working on # of things for 2.4. This includes Sakai archiving/import & export/ import from site
  • There are a number of options they are considering.
    • Import/export functions be distributed across tools.
    • Will be some type of registration process.
  • Glenn wants to be involved.
  • Distinction between structure and content is consideration.

Spring 2.0

  • Antraing looking into it. Initial thoughts - not compelling like Maven. Will do more analysis
  • Glenn: Goal first is to get spring out of shared. Got in b/c component manager used it, but that is bogus.
  • Also get component manager out as well; hibernate out of shared.
    • What happens to caching
  • Not sure about Global transaction manager.
  • Mark: There is a lot going on with 2.4. Perhaps we should wait for Spring 2.0 for Sakai 2.5.
  • Can we have someone pulled everything out of shared in a branch so they can see what all it affects. Note - note for 2.4.
  • Quick sidebar on shared transactions. Shared transactions with something else in Sakai? Yes - OSP, MC & GB. Sounds like there are some use cases. Should continue this conversation over the next 6 months.

EmailService and Attachments

  • Mail tool. Will be using email handling attachments, but had some problems. Wrote own service..think generic enough they can go in Sakai. Clay will contact Glenn.
  • Tools and user visible things. API are features - gentle evolution of product. Get them in as early as possible so people can deal with
  • What about SMS and IM
    • Stephen would like to bring IM capability to framework, but it's further down the line.
  • any plans to have real attachment capability? Yes, sounds like it.

Pruning old sites

  • As we mature and systems have been running longer, the DB is getting longer.
  • When a site is removed, somethings are hard deleted others are not.
  • Do we really want all data removed? Isn't it really full archive that we need? Need to say there are two types are archive
  • Maybe add to tool requirements?
  • Stages - first archive, then admin tool to delete.

Sakai 2.4,2.5, .../3.0?

dynamictasklist: task list macros declared inside wiki-markup macros are not supported