Remote Participation

Remote Participation via Sakai001 Polycom Bridge

Jim Eng has worked on providing remote participants access to the Project Coordination for participants who will be unable to attend in person. See below for connection details.

We have reserved the Sakai001 web conference bridge for the Project Coordination meeting beginning at 0900 Amsterdam time (GMT+2). Notice that is 3 a.m. EDT.

The web bridge enables connections through the web, by phone or with a polycom. Remote participation will be limited to audio due to limited bandwith at the hotel.

Here is the information about connecting to the meeting through Sakai001:

  • IP Address:
  • Telephone: 812-856-7060
  • Conference Code: 348
  • PIN: 72524

If you don't have a polycom unit available, you can connect to the conference through the web. Point a H.323 compatible client at and enter the conference code when prompted.

For MacOSX, XMeeting is a freely available client (XMeeting (0.4p2 preview version that should work on Snow Leopard) download).
(Note: Steve Lonn noted you may have to trash your previous preference file if upgrading from an older version of XMeeting for Snow Leopard, but I found it not necessary - Pieter Hartsook.)

Detailed directions for connecting can be found at IU Conference Bridge Directions.

Thanks to Indiana University for providing the web bridges.

We are using XMeeting on a MacBook Pro, so we do not have a way to broadcast remote participants' comments to the meeting. If any remote participants want me to say something, please contact someone in the room by email or chat and ask to have your comments read aloud.

You can contact Jim Eng by email (jimeng at umich dot edu) or via AIM (jimeng at mac dot com).