Facebook Groups Benchmark

Facebook Groups Benchmark

  • Create a group
  • Add members to a group
  • View group information
  • Find a Group
  • View/browse Groups
  • Join a Group
  • Invite to Group > Acceptance into Group

Create a group

There are several types of groups in Facebook.  I'll show the creation of each of them.

Create a List (basically a subgroup from your group of friends)

Screenshot 1) Friends > Create List (from left nav) > lightbox pops up

Screenshot 2) Highlighted are friends I am choosing

Screenshot 3) New Group " Core friends and family" now in left navigation


  • Like the use of pictures to identify as you are choosing.


  • Not clear enough feedback that list has been created. Currently only shows up in list to the left.  Could be highlighted or something else eye catching.

Create a Group

Screenshot 1) Create a new Group link

Screenshot 2) Group Info

Screenshot 3) Showing categories of groups

Screenshot 4) Showing types of groups within common interest category.  These are specific to the category type.

Screenshot 5) Customize group (add picture, website address, enable certain functions, access control)

Screenshot 6) Publish the group?

Screenshot 7) Invite friends to group

Tag Notes (create an implicit group of those invited to view your note)

Screenshot 1) Creating a note.  You can tag people in the note and they become an implicit group that gets alerted about the note.  It does not restrict access only to that group though.

Screenshot 2) Autofill in the tag using your friends as the selection list.

Create a Page

Screenshot 1) Creating a page

Screenshot 2) Help on "what is a page"

Add Members to Group

Invite members to Group

See create group above

Suggest Page to Friends

Note: The 2 suggest to friends interfaces are slightly different.  Let's not do this.

View Information About a Group

Group Information (for group I'm member of)

Screenshot 1) Group Home page

Screenshot 2) Information about my groups

Find a Group / Browse Groups

