Ning Groups Benchmarking


Create a group

  1. When you ask to start a group (aka "Social Network"), you write a name and domain and decide if it is private or public.
  2. Decide on features for page (creating a group is the the purpose of creating a space)
  3. Decide on appearance

Add members to a group

See Send Invite below--cannot add people without their knowledge in Ning

Create a subgroup

Add Groups to as a tab for social network (Social Network is top level group, "group" is the subgroup of social network), then click Groups

  1. Click Add group takes you to the set up page where you choice if it is open to join or if not, whether people must be invited or if they can request to join (cannot change)
  2. You can invite people
  3. When you are done, group appears in social network's home page

Assign Member Roles

  1. Go to Manage Tab and click Member
  2. Click Actions pulldown after selecting member
  3. People can have Member or Administrator role. Click Add role
  4. Name your role and what they have purview over

Find a Group

  1. enter search term
  2. get results

View/browse Groups

  1. click "discover more" on home page
  2.  see most popular groups and list of trendy topics
  3. browse social networks by clicking a topic
  4. view that group's page

Join a Group

  1. Sign up for a Ning account in general or
  2. Click Join link on a group page to join that group (different groups have their own sign up page--note theme change in next shot)
  3. Enter your profile info
  4. then view group page as a member

Invite to Group > Acceptance into Group 

  1. Click Invite
  2. Import names or add email addresses