Community Use Cases

MIT Use Cases

Cross-cutting, meta-site groups:

  1. Department Administrators - manages subjects for department, edits content for multiple class sites, wants to perform these actions in batches (alter skin of all department sites, configure gradebook across all sites in department).
  2. OCW Administrators - want to access OCW-specific materials across the entire system and view/acquire all content flagged for them.

Dynamic grouping/permissions:

  1. I want to share documents with one or more people outside of the class or
    outside of institution (Support for OAuth protocol maybe?)
  2. I want to make my class content searchable by Google
  3. I want to arrange my students in teams/study groups/tables.
  4. I want to give a single grade to a group of students (for a specific project).
  5. I want to split up the group grade into individual grades.

Integration of groups:

  1. Integration with external groups (example Roles database at MIT or LDAP)