- User prefs tool errors during startupSAK-49903Resolved issue: SAK-49903Earle Nietzel
- Preferences: Set users default option for Announcement notifications through a propertySAK-49666Resolved issue: SAK-49666Vicent Alfonso
- Preferences: prefs.css is not found on 24 & 23SAK-49374Resolved issue: SAK-49374kunaljaykam
- When editing Preferences locks are not being clearedSAK-49358Resolved issue: SAK-49358Earle Nietzel
- Preferences: Split up the Resources and Dropbox preferencesSAK-49167
- Preferences: Table for sites is unreadable in dark mode.SAK-49136
- Portal: Gateway expand/collapse triggers RuntimeException:Fatal errorSAK-49098Resolved issue: SAK-49098Sean Horner
- Trinity: Preferences > Sites tab fails to load pageSAK-48791Resolved issue: SAK-48791Matthew Jones
- ERROR org.sakaiproject.user.tool.entity.UserPrefsEntityProvider.getPreferencesEdit getPreferencesEdit:SAK-48677
- Restore ability to hide sitesSAK-48567Resolved issue: SAK-48567Sean Horner
- Preferences: Notification options are not displaying on the pageSAK-48351Resolved issue: SAK-48351kunaljaykam
- Two Tests & Quizzes entries on PreferencesSAK-48127Joseph Kozar
- Duplicated Tests & Quizzes section on PreferencesSAK-48124Resolved issue: SAK-48124
- In Preferences, you can't expand the tools to see the options.SAK-48076Resolved issue: SAK-48076Adrian Fish
- Update Preferences to use Bootstrap 5 and work correctly in the new portalSAK-48011Resolved issue: SAK-48011
- Preferences tool is using the wrong property for the service nameSAK-46612Resolved issue: SAK-46612David Bauer
- Preferences CK Editor device view modeSAK-46309Adrian Fish
- Theme tab listed as first of the Preferences tabs makes tool inaccessibleSAK-46197Resolved issue: SAK-46197Sean Horner
- Preferences > Editor > no options, just update and cancel buttonsSAK-46044Resolved issue: SAK-46044Brian J.
- Preferences: Error on Privacy statusSAK-45979Resolved issue: SAK-45979Matthew Jones
- Mojarra JSF has been moved and maintained by the Eclipse FoundationSAK-45906Resolved issue: SAK-45906Miguel Pellicer
- JSF2: Disable verifyObjects feature for production environmentsSAK-45902Resolved issue: SAK-45902Miguel Pellicer
- Editor tab listed as first of the Preferences tabs makes tool inaccessibleSAK-45604Resolved issue: SAK-45604Sean Horner
- User Admin Preferences JSF upgradeSAK-45439Resolved issue: SAK-45439Christopher Maurer
- Dark Mode | Preferences Select BoxSAK-45268Resolved issue: SAK-45268
- User Preferences JSF upgradeSAK-45096Resolved issue: SAK-45096Christopher Maurer
- Upgrade high priority tools to work with dark modeSAK-45018Resolved issue: SAK-45018Michael Greene
- Low priority Resource file uploads are sent to students who have opted out of email notificationsSAK-44618Resolved issue: SAK-44618Brian J.
- Hiding Favorites site warning shown when user attempts to hide unfavorited siteSAK-44609Resolved issue: SAK-44609Fernando Alvarez
- Site language doesn't change for students when the instructor changes his/her language preference and sets the site language to be user language (default)SAK-43747Resolved issue: SAK-43747Core Team
- Alerts Icon not present in the course siteSAK-42720Resolved issue: SAK-42720
- Lombokise UserPrefsToolSAK-42681Resolved issue: SAK-42681Adrian Fish
- Home - Preferences - Sites - Improve the user interface (look, feel, and standards)SAK-42455
- Home - Preferences - Sites - Improve the Sites featureSAK-42454
- Firefox console error for : XML Parsing Error: not well-formedSAK-42448
- Move the preferences functionality into a Bootstrap modalSAK-41758Resolved issue: SAK-41758Adrian Fish
- Preferences -> Site: console error "Uncaught TypeError: data.split is not a function"SAK-41663Resolved issue: SAK-41663Miguel Pellicer
- Preferences: Alert when hiding a favorite not workingSAK-41447Resolved issue: SAK-41447Miguel Pellicer
- Move "Hide from Site Drawer" closer to work area in Preferences > SitesSAK-41424Resolved issue: SAK-41424
- ckeditor: accessibility: Make text on Editor preferences screen understandable to average user.SAK-41313Core Team
- Sites don't appear as auto-favorited before first time loginSAK-41106Resolved issue: SAK-41106Matthew Jones
- feature request: Allow users to set custom site "nicknames" for site title (e.g. students rename course sites in My Sites to easily identify)SAK-40558Resolved issue: SAK-40558Core Team
- Simplify the time zone pickerSAK-40446
- Hiding sites in Preferences > Sites is not reflected until logoutSAK-40021
- Auto favorites is still favoriting some old sites and not always stickingSAK-40005Resolved issue: SAK-40005Miguel Pellicer
- Preferences: Ensure interactive elements can be visually distinguished from non-actionable onesSAK-38364
- Preferences > missing active primary button for "Sites" and "Editor" tabsSAK-34096Resolved issue: SAK-34096Brian J.
- Preferences: When you hide a site it does not dissapear inmediatelySAK-34087Resolved issue: SAK-34087Eduardo Rey Jara
- Preferences hidden sites shows html entities for non-english charactersSAK-33920Resolved issue: SAK-33920Juanjo Meroño
- Standardize the verification/success message in PreferencesSAK-33824Resolved issue: SAK-33824Brian J.
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