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Users cannot access the Preferences tool if the Sakai property {{preference.pages}} is configured to list the Theme tab first in the Preferences tool:
{}preference.pages={}{}prefs_theme_title, {}prefs_editor_title, prefs_hidden_title, prefs_noti_title, prefs_timezone_title, prefs_lang_title
{}prefs_theme_title, {
prefs_editor_title, prefs_hidden_title, prefs_noti_title, prefs_timezone_title, prefs_lang_title
For such instances of Sakai, users will see a '404' page when attempting to access the Preferences tool.
Users cannot access the Preferences tool if the Sakai property {{preference.pages}} is configured to list the Theme tab first in the Preferences tool:
}{}prefs_theme_title, {
}prefs_editor_title, prefs_hidden_title, prefs_noti_title, prefs_timezone_title, prefs_lang_title
For such instances of Sakai, users will see a '404' page when attempting to access the Preferences tool.