- Site Info > Import from site does not list LTI/External toolsSAK-46556Core Team
- Resources: Upload files -> Overwrite existing does not work with special characters in file name when multiple files are uploaded at one timeSAK-46421Christopher Maurer
- Assignments, Accessibility: Save confirmation/error reporting method in Assignments is inaccessible and confusingSAK-46356
- Lessons: Gradebook items created for Comments elements have an "item number" not specified on the page in LessonsSAK-46198Core Team
- samigo: Revert SAK-37153 code that removed the Feedback link when previewing an assessment with Immediate Feedback enabledSAK-45850Core Team
- samigo: All images and files embedded/attached within an assessment should be stored within the assessment and ONLY within the assessment, and should function INDEPENDENTLY of ResourcesSAK-45846Core Team
- samigo, gradebook: If you use Tests & Quizzes > Settings to change the title, recorded score, or category of a published quiz that has been added to a gradebook with categories, the gradebook item settings (e.g., extra credit) get resetSAK-45819Mitchell Dunn
- samigo: Add info blurb on Submission Status screen to explain when Retake links appear vs. notSAK-45761Core Team
- Samigo: Allow Retake link should never display for instructor if student has submissions remaining on base assessment submission counter.SAK-45754David Hutchins
- Samigo: Export to Markup Text warning has issuesSAK-45718Mitchell Dunn
- samigo: Feedback auto-fill is not available on Questions grading screens.SAK-45702Mitchell Dunn
- samigo: View All drop-down should always be available in Scores > Questions grading screens (even when 1 submission only)SAK-45699David Hutchins
- Library documentation update for 20xSAK-45682Resolved issue: SAK-45682Michael Greene
- Samigo: Screen reader accessibility issues for instructor authoring quiz questionsSAK-45677Core Team
- Samigo: Cannot edit Matching question with None of the Above or Existing Match answer in Published Copies, or it breaksSAK-45676Core Team
- Email Archive, Announcements: Attachments are not properly removed when an email or announcement is deleted.SAK-45603
- Assignments: Make add/edit assignment page have more intuitive organizationSAK-45526Earle Nietzel
- samigo: The randomized answers in a multiple choice question with randomize enabled re-shuffle on EVERY CLICK of Continue Assessment or Feedback linkSAK-45488Resolved issue: SAK-45488Core Team
- samigo: Calculated questions are storing empty answers as if answered, causing problems for students taking tests with these questions and instructors grading themSAK-45487Core Team
- samigo: Remove "small" tags from h1s and h2s.SAK-45484
- samigo: Option to "undo" minimum point value in a short answer/essay question during automatic regrade/republishSAK-45473Core Team
- samigo: Email notification on publish includes same text to all students, including those with date/time exceptions - needs clarificationSAK-45471Mitchell Dunn
- Dark Mode | PA-System bannersSAK-45402Resolved issue: SAK-45402Markus Stetschnig
- IP filter list is broken (single IPs are taken as they ended with wildcards)SAK-45397Resolved issue: SAK-45397Daniel Merino
- samigo, accessibility: Fix usability/accessibility issues with the "Helper text" on numeric responseSAK-45386Mitchell Dunn
- Discussions/Forums - when changing permissions for some roles/groups from Contributor to something else, then automatically creating forums/topics for groups, the permissions are not inherited as expected.SAK-45366
- Assignments, Samigo: Feature Request: Parent Jira for improved notification options on publishing/posting assignment/assessment.SAK-45340
- Assignments: Feature request for improved notification options on posting assignment.SAK-45339
- Overview, Site Info: Incorrect instructions on the Manage Overview page.SAK-45337Resolved issue: SAK-45337Victor Fernández
- Exceptions completion button should be renamed to "Save Exception" to be more clearSAK-45333Core Team
- Gradebook: Grade statistics graphs show fractional students.SAK-45314Resolved issue: SAK-45314Sean Horner
- samigo: Exceptions to time limit/delivery dates allow you to set two different exceptions for a single user/group.SAK-45277Resolved issue: SAK-45277Mitchell Dunn
- Update antisamy 1.6.2SAK-45260Resolved issue: SAK-45260Core Team
- samigo: Inappropriately placed LaTeX markup warning on fill in the blank, numeric response, and calculated question authoring pages needs to be fixed or removedSAK-45259Mitchell Dunn
- Samigo Tests & Quizzes: Feature request for improved notification options on publishing assessment.SAK-45202
- Samigo: Usability: Pagination navigation is not very usable/accessible and inconsistent with other toolsSAK-45117Core Team
- Assignments: Add option to create folders or some sort of organizationSAK-45090
- gradebook, feature request: Ignore dropped/excused grade indicators on importSAK-45084
- samigo: Add Assessments page is inconsistent with similar Sakai pagesSAK-45082Mitchell Dunn
- Send a reminder email when an assignment is availableSAK-45031Earle Nietzel
- LAST_VISIT_TIME is NULL when site presence is enabled (Sakai 20)SAK-45008
- Tests & Quizzes (Samigo) - Change "Random Access" to "Flexible Access" in Layout and Appearance settingsSAK-44996Core Team
- Assignments / reorder - due date moved to next line when instructors have long list of assignmentsSAK-44979Miguel Pellicer
- LTI: Ability to assign more than one site ID to a single LTI instanceSAK-44945Resolved issue: SAK-44945Zhuo Yang
- Updating the new version of a file in resources does not change to the newer versionSAK-44927Resolved issue: SAK-44927
- Configurable job name and description not being translatedSAK-44898Resolved issue: SAK-44898Matthew Jones
- Text entered after adding a comment tool in lessons do not conform to the section breaks.SAK-44893Core Team
- Site import / creates multiple resource files for images in LessonsSAK-44874Resolved issue: SAK-44874Sam Ottenhoff
- Tools in Date Manager appear to be listed in random orderSAK-44861Core Team
- Incorrect word usage in Date Manager confirmation message.SAK-44860Resolved issue: SAK-44860Marcelino Rutea
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When importing content from an existing site into a new site, LTI/external tools in the original site are not listed as options to import into the new site, only core tools. This Jira looks relevant but its unclear if it was only for Notre Dame or if it was actually merged, the comments are confusing