Samigo: Screen reader accessibility issues for instructor authoring quiz questions


proposed to fix the associations of labels to form fields in question authoring. However, a number of issues remain:

For all question types, Display Point Value while student is taking the exam is *not* appropriately associated to its Yes/No radio button combination.  As a result, this label is not read and the options are confusing.

For Short Answer/Essay, *Provide a model answer as a guide for students.* is incorrectly set as an h2.  This needs to be an h4 because the question number at the top of the page is h3.  Unfortunately, I can't modify the heading level in Message Bundle Manager - the associated message bundle is plain text only.  Additionally, it seems to me that the "Provide a model answer..." text should be attached to the editor field for *Model Short Answer (optional)* with aria-labelledby (or perhaps as part of the aria-label for that field).

For Fill in the blank, Fill In The Blank Field Markers is not associated to its field.  However, this may be addressed with other fixes in SAK-45353 to bring back the radio button selection of default vs. custom.

For Matching, *Choice* and *Match* are not associated to the appropriate editors.  When entering each of those fields, the screen reader says something like "Rich Text Editor item form id j id jsp53273... text input row 1" where the ... is a long incomprehensible string that I assume is samigo's internal identifier for the form field.

For Multiple Choice:

  • Answer is not currently associated to the answer options (Single Correct, etc.) as a fieldset/legend, and is not read when tabbing to the radio buttons.

  • The text *Correct Answer* is not associated to the corresponding radio buttons or checkboxes to indicate that what you will be doing by checking one of these radio buttons/checkboxes is specifying that it is a correct answer option.

  • The editors for each answer option do the same thing as the Choice and Match boxes for Matching - you hear something like "Rich Text Editor item form laquoisis id j id jsp53273... text input row 1" when tabbing into each editor (I don't know what the other weird word it says is between "item form" and "id" - maybe that's supposed to be in another language?)

  • Randomize Answers is not associated to its Yes/No options, and is not read when tabbing to the radio buttons.

  • *Require Rationale* is not associated to its Yes/No options, and is not read when tabbing to the radio buttons.

For Survey, *Answer* is not currently associated to the answer options, and it is very confusing as to what you are hearing when you arrive at "Table, yes, no, Yes, No radio button not checked row 1 1 of 1."

For Survey, Matrix of Choices, there is an example image showing how the column and row choices should appear to students.  This has no text alternative and is inaccessible.  It should be replaced with an actual table or some other example rendering of the question type.

For True False:

  • Answer is not associated to the answer options.  This bad behavior is similar to Survey.

  • Required Rationale is not associated to its Yes/No options, and is not read when tabbing to the radio buttons.








Created June 21, 2021 at 11:56 AM
Updated June 21, 2021 at 1:37 PM